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    1. BeefBacon

      Shield Idea

      In the game\'s current form I don\'t think a shield bubble would work very well. AMCs have a habit of passing through blocks to the point that if I\'m not in my core when my ship is being attacked I\'ll often get hit by an AMC that has decided to not hit my ship\'s hull. You can see it better if...
    2. BeefBacon

      Navigation log

      I\'m writing all my waypoints down on a Cornetto wrapper.
    3. BeefBacon

      Missiles stop rendering.

      I was using /spawn_mobs (ship) (faction) (amount) but same thing, really.
    4. BeefBacon

      Bha-cen Foundries

      Founded eons ago on the lost colony of [DATA REMOVED] Bha-cen foundries goes beyond the expectations of its primitive-sounding name, producing ships that are -neither- both cost effective and combat effective. The Bha-cen Foundries ship production dossier will be updated regularly as our...
    5. BeefBacon

      Missiles stop rendering.

      Recently discovered the /spawn_mobs command and have been having spectacular space battles. I noticed, however, that eventually missiles seem to stop rendering permamently (until I reset the server), and I'll periodically come across the missile sprites suspended in space. Missiles still fire as...
    6. BeefBacon

      A bit of good news for thr turning and shielding of larger ships!

      If your massive dreadnaught is getting destroyed by little babby ship, then either your ship design sucks or you\'re a terrible pilot.
    7. BeefBacon

      Cargo holds for ships/smaller inventory

      But when building you should be able to take blocks from an attached storage block automatically. In regards to the stack size, I\'d say that smaller is better. 250 - 500 sounds like a good number. Sure you can build ships consisting of 300K blocks, but bear in mind that those ships are created...
    8. BeefBacon

      Round planets, hopefully easier to implement

      I seem to recall that Schema wants to avoid loading screens, though I may be wrong. This idea, or one similar to it, has been suggested a number of times and for one reason or another has been poo-pood.
    9. BeefBacon

      SD KB script

      Heat seeking missiles lock on to heat sources. If that happens to be an ally ship then that is unfortunate. I do believe, however, that there should be a delay of a few seconds between firing the missile and the missile locking on to a target in order to reduce the chances of the missile locking...
    10. BeefBacon

      SD cockpit and cannon fire and see the direction they face

      Placing a weapons computer sideways and then getting into the weapons computer allows you to shoot in the direction it is facing. More of a side note than an expansion to the OP. Also I agree with the cockpit direction being a factor (not like it hasn\'t been suggested a million times before...
    11. BeefBacon

      VFW Ship Design Contest! A winner is YOU!

      I\'ll upload it in a tick. I\'ve not checked, but do turrets upload with the ship, or do they need to be separate? In any case the turret fits into a docking module without enhancers, and its based on the design that I\'ve seen on a couple of ships, so it shouldn\'t be too hard to replace should...
    12. BeefBacon

      VFW Ship Design Contest! A winner is YOU!

      Following an in-depth study of existing VFW ships, this contractor opted to design a corvette-class ship more suited to the aesthetics of the ships designed by VFW. The result is a larger hull than that of the original \'Tyrion\' prototype, however due to the costs of designing the original ship...
    13. BeefBacon

      Remote Piloting Module

      By pressing the 'up' arrow while in a ship core you can take control of another core. You can be in your ship, and if it gets destroyed you can get into an escape pod, for example, without getting out and physically going to your escape pod. Now, a twist on this would be a Remote Piloting...
    14. BeefBacon

      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      I\'m amazed people are still arguing about this. A massive battlecruiser cannot be destroyed by a fighter unless the pilot is either missing from the cockpit or is completely inept. If your dreadnaught is indeed being pummelled by a babby strikecraft then that\'s on you. You\'re terrible at the...
    15. BeefBacon

      VFW Ship Design Contest! A winner is YOU!

      I would like to take this opportunity to say that the naming of it was under no circumstances a result of me staring blankly at my screen trying to think of a name, only to then glance at my avatar. Works, though. Is little, after all.
    16. BeefBacon

      VFW Ship Design Contest! A winner is YOU!

      The Tyrion MK-I Corvette is less of a corvette and more of a heavy fighter. It is armed with four light AMC batteries, a D-1000 missile launcher and a single light turret to allow for a 360 degree firing arc, as well as a modest shield capacity. The Tyrion Corvette\'s strengths come from its...
    17. BeefBacon

      A Cube Planet

      Glad to see yet another totally original idea! This hasn\'t actually been suggested before, well done! Also, I think there should be FTL, because that\'s never come up before either.
    18. BeefBacon

      no shadows in build mode

      I made a thread relating to this a while back. It\'s still something I agree with.
    19. BeefBacon

      The Hyper-Realm, non-instantaneous FTL travel method

      Good idea. I\'ve always thought of the Nether style of hyperspace to be the best suggestion on the topic of FTL so far; avoids the limitations posed by the engine. I also like the daemon idea, though I don\'t like the bitching about how it\'s a \'clear ripoff\' of 40K. It shares some...
    20. BeefBacon

      Please make shields stronger

      What function does hull have, then? In its current state hull serves the same function as a thick layer of paint. And if hull was comparable in strength to shields then it\'s obvious what purpose it would serve; protection of the ship without having to expend energy on shields.