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    1. FatCobra

      Read by Council Only show logic connection lines in build mode

      I completely agree with this. It would be nice to have "logic" rooms and not worry about having logic connections running threw crew quarters or halls
    2. FatCobra

      Free Floating Block Placement tool

      Great idea please do this.
    3. FatCobra

      Reduceing the size of turrets with weapon emitter blocks

      I don't have a problem with the slaves being off turret. But the primary should be on the turret. In RL its generally the ammo that is going to have the effect not the weapon system itself, particularly for cannon type systems. Even with smart systems other than the basic computer for target...
    4. FatCobra

      Brainstorm This Crew: Stations, bonuses, specialties, experience & expense.

      We will need some sort of grocery stores. Which mean a whole new set of competing trade factions. For get coupons if you attack one trade faction you get a discount at the other trade faction.
    5. FatCobra

      Brainstorm This Crew: Stations, bonuses, specialties, experience & expense.

      Time for hot racks. I would assume that on larger ships it would be easier. But for smaller seek and destroy ships, i.e. subs, space would be be very limited. I know when I deployed on troop ships the bunks were 4 high. You couldn't roll over in your rack without bumping the person above you.
    6. FatCobra

      Brainstorm This Crew: Stations, bonuses, specialties, experience & expense.

      This is leading towards whole new NPC factions. Unionized work forces. This could get very interesting very very quickly.
    7. FatCobra

      Brainstorm This Crew: Stations, bonuses, specialties, experience & expense.

      I think I'll open a casino. Get some dancing NPCs. Have shows and just hope the mob doesn't move in.
    8. FatCobra

      Brainstorm This Crew: Stations, bonuses, specialties, experience & expense.

      I like the thought of the cryochamber for the crew. An alternative would be that when docked a station the crew disembarks for R&R.
    9. FatCobra

      Hyperdrive v jump drive

      I like this idea but I would take it a step further. If a ship in hyperspace/warp move through a sector with inhibitors it should bring them out of hyperspace/warp. This could be used for some cool traps.
    10. FatCobra

      Read by Schine Pyramid Block

      What about an "anti-corner". The tetra has the hepta it would be nice to have something for the corner. It would be useful for inside corners.
    11. FatCobra

      Zoom In

      I like this idea. It would be nice if you could name them too.
    12. FatCobra

      Crew, Decor and Life Support

      What about an option for robotic NPCs they wouldn't gain experience but would be more expensive and better than starting NPCs.
    13. FatCobra

      Hyperdrive v jump drive

      Hyperspace/Subspace could be implemented similar to the way Minecraft uses the nether. It's a different dimension with an 8:1 ratio this would make traveling faster. This space could also be occupied with some sort of aliens making it dangerous to enter.