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    1. Anubis Evo

      Evolution Recreations

      Um, to change the hull, not too terribly long at all. The interiors though might need some work on the CIC floor if you were looking for accuracy. The insides are the Cerberus variant. Also, thanks for the Eezo core comments. I was pretty happy with how it turned out! :D
    2. Anubis Evo

      Evolution Recreations

      And now for some non-Mass Effect Stuff!!! Ascendant Hypoxia Adder Medical Exploration Vessel Malice - EVE Online Asuran Cruiser Caldari Dropship(s)
    3. Anubis Evo

      Evolution Recreations

      I've never been super inspired to make my own ships when it comes to creating original, "I've never seen anything like that before in my life!" content in Starmade. I'd much rather build something that I've seen somewhere and thought, "F**k, it would be cool to blow shit up in that...." With...
    4. Anubis Evo

      Mass Effect Systems Alliance Dreadnought

      You do have a point there. And with a ship that large, it does make it a bit more personal to you as well which is cool.
    5. Anubis Evo

      Mass Effect Systems Alliance Dreadnought

      Looks pretty cool man. Nice job. But just to nit pick a little bit; the engines are wrong. Unless you aren't going for accuracy and more towards a personal reimagination. Only the frigate class ships like the Normandy for example, use the open "loops" at the back of the engines. Everything...
    6. Anubis Evo


      Wow, that looks fantastic so far! Great job!
    7. Anubis Evo

      Rail transport system

      I've seen some other rail systems before, but this is a really neat one with lots of possibilities. Would be fantastic for really large player stations.
    8. Anubis Evo

      RefiDesign Shipworks

      I spy a caldari navy hookbill.
    9. Anubis Evo

      Quarian Envoy Frigate Wheel Logic!

      My upload for a Quarian Envoy Frigate from the Mass Effect Universe. The most recent update has some aesthetic changes as well as logic for the 'wheel' in the center of it to spin! (Hooray) And one for the entrance (if you can't tell, it's old): Just like all my other builds, it's just a...
    10. Anubis Evo

      Quarian Envoy Frigate

      I hate to post and bump my own thread, but I did make some changes. Added some stuff to the ship/ various antennae and some cargo pods on the side of the actual hull, and a download link! Wheeeeeeeee!!!!!! have fun with the hull boys and girls...
    11. Anubis Evo

      Ooooh I love the venator-class cruisers! I can't wait to see how it'll turn out!
    12. Anubis Evo

      Quarian Envoy Frigate

      Mmmm, yes the grey of the main hull was something I thought was a bit boring as we'll. However, short of adding some lights in for aesthetics I feel doing too much more would result in it being either too busy or ruin the overall look the ship has right now. Other than that; glad you like it. :)
    13. Anubis Evo

      Quarian Envoy Frigate

      I didn't know anyone else had made one. I did a quick search and nothing came up so if you'd like to link me their ship, I can show you a side by side.
    14. Anubis Evo

      Quarian Envoy Frigate

      A little information about this ship; this is a Quarian ship of the Migrant Fleet in the Mass Effect universe. As to whether or not its actually a frigate, I have no clue, just wasn't sure what else to call it. If you're not familiar with the Mass Effect universe, then check out this awesome...
    15. Anubis Evo

      Nerva Class Battleship

      Pardon the language, but I feel my initial response seemed to hit the nail on the head... That looks fuckin cool.
    16. Anubis Evo

      Starmade Ship Showcases

      These ship reviews are really awesome. Great job. ;)
    17. Anubis Evo

      Some Detailed Turrets

      The inside is that way to allow one to fit as much as you possibly can. If I was to \'fill\' those spaces, then it would just be dead weight. if you have a hard time filling a hull, then it sucks to suck.
    18. Anubis Evo

      Chinese players make a spaceship

      I\'m excited to see this one Finish. I have seen a couple others and they all have the back end a bit short...
    19. Anubis Evo

      Strike Suit Zero ships

      Lookin\' good man. Nice to see you\'re still around. Hadn\'t seen you ina while.
    20. Anubis Evo

      Bohemian Builders

      This is such a pretty ship.