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    1. Ratchet Hundreda

      Suggestion Dev Blogs!

      StarMade News - Latest
    2. Ratchet Hundreda

      Make Chamber Size A Set Percentage (Remove Levels)

      The perma cloak/perma jamming mechanic would still be possible if not for a slight miscalculation on the numbers during balancing and as I heard will be fixed. If anything the only slight annoyance there is in terms of the mobility balancing is perhaps the auto-charge chamber tree other than...
    3. Ratchet Hundreda

      You Have Failed Us

      Careful you are making a strong point there! You might have offended some snowflakes with that!... Yeah basically you summarized the fuel of my rage. But i guess one dog barking at a robber will always make the dogs of the whole neighborhood bark as well for no reason. Especially if they have...
    4. Ratchet Hundreda

      Other things I have noticed since Power 2.0

      Would have to agree with the OP. What i also discovered is that at least for me it is much easier to just start with first laying out my systems and build the exterior and interior around them. This is probably just me willing to change the perspective but back in the day i had a hard time...
    5. Ratchet Hundreda

      You Have Failed Us

      To be honest i didn't read the whole 9 pages of the thread i got stuck at the 3rd or 4th and ended up posting out of my rage. Still the points i made hold true and as i see this is just one out of the many threads started by whining little brats on the forums all with a similar quality of...
    6. Ratchet Hundreda

      You Have Failed Us

      Oh boy don't forget to whine about me whining about you whining.
    7. Ratchet Hundreda

      You Have Failed Us

      I loved the title. Not a clickbait at all, tons of salt being thrown around at each other just as i expected from this community. Essentially only about 10% of the people arguing here know what they are actually talking about and even them mostly sound negative or just whine like a bitch. I...
    8. Ratchet Hundreda

      Prerelease v0.200.250

      I think StarMade kind of became this sort of side project a little team works on when they get bored, tweaking it and adding things to it every now and then. I know programming but don't know Java so can't tell how complicated it can get but from my perspective the whole thing seems like as i...
    9. Ratchet Hundreda

      A Solution To Flying Spaghetti Monsters

      This current discussion actually proves my point even further that how far some player's opinions are apart from each other when it comes to what the underlying problem is whit the system. Which is why again it is not necessarily a 100% healthy discussion. The underlying problem has roots in...
    10. Ratchet Hundreda

      A Solution To Flying Spaghetti Monsters

      This whole new power system 2.0 debacle is so frustratingly stupid. The original design concept was to make players build ships which are actually 'ship formed'. They wanted to change it so over densified block or brick designs are not as effective which would inspire players for more creative...
    11. Ratchet Hundreda

      Devblog 27th June 2017

      Me being the stupid naive child as always thought this game will get some momentum with the steam release. Have been watching and waiting for something significant to happen since... lurking in the shadows slowly observing through out the years... I realized the two comments before me are the...
    12. Ratchet Hundreda

      StarMade Ship Systems 2.0

      V E R Y N I C E please don't name them tech points :daveeek:
    13. Ratchet Hundreda

      StarMade - Devblog May 8th 2017

      Finally i read things from you guys which seem ambitious enough that it would make an interesting GAME out of the current ship building simulator. I look forward to see you guys make it happen and hope for the best. Time has been an ever so annoying factor for quite a while when it comes to you...
    14. Ratchet Hundreda

      Ratchet Industries -Aculeus- MKIa Heavy Fighter - Slight adjustments and fixes on the exterior and an overhaul to the missle system.

      Version MKIb - overhaul of the missle system -> now it's a 4 barrel with 2 barrels under each wing with the same slave and effect system like before. The reason of the overhaul was the missle system's energy consumption. - slight adjustements to the ships mass in favor of speed. Thrust R/M...
    15. Ratchet Hundreda

      Ratchet Industries -Aculeus- MKIa Heavy Fighter MKIb

      Aculeus MKIa is yet another craft from Ratchet Industries and the first design which is mainly focused on offensive use. The vehicle is relatively small but still can show off some impressive weaponry. The craft is mainly designed for short range offense and requires one pilot to operate. Main...
    16. Ratchet Hundreda

      Ratchet Industries -Seppen- MKIff Corvette MKIff

      Seppen MKI the next in the line of productions of Ratchet Industries. The craft is a corvette class mid-tier exploration vehicle. It's carefully designed for long range exploration or light cargo delivery with a maximum of 4 crew members. It features a neatly designed interior and highly...
    17. Ratchet Hundreda

      Read by Schine perks of a Offical server for Developers to take into account.

      Man... This all sounds amazing and all however the game is a bit far from having the chance to even start such preparations for setting up servers like that. I can only blame myself for finding this game so early...
    18. Ratchet Hundreda

      Ratchet Industries -Ictum- MKI Salvager Dropbox link in desc.

      Ictum MKI Salvager and Transporter craft from Ratchet Industries. For convenience sake i include the plain .sment file download link Ictum MKI Mass: 4,196.5 (w/o cargo) Blocks: 40,863 Length: 139m Height: 35m Width: 35m Power: 543,304 (269,284.4e/sec) Thrust: 7,594 (243,466.7e/sec) R/M: 1.8...
    19. Ratchet Hundreda

      Read by Schine Will-O-Wisp Lights?

      A wedge variant of the light blocks would be pretty useful too.
    20. Ratchet Hundreda

      Read by Council Survival Needs

      Life support modules. Plants and the upcoming critters could be processed in a block like the factories and could be stored in life support modules on your ship. Ice could be processed into oxygen which you would store in oxygen tank modules. Both of these resources would be consumed at a rate...