I had to go back and look at the pictures, I was all like \"Yellow ship?! What yellow ship?!\"
That\'s my repair bot, I had to use it to repair all the damage my turrets did durring construction so I ended up just parking that there. It stayed docked pretty much the entire time I was building...
You can\'t see all the method that goes into a ship bassed on the few in progress shots I managed to take, when I get into the swing of things it\'s imposible to step back, snap a picture, and get back to builing. As for the measurments when you know exactly what docking size you need to fit...
@ Wolfchild: Oh yeah a housing M.A.M. is on the list but just some rooms and wash facilities isn\'t that interesting, it\'s a shame you cannot add modules that have more of a mothership support role. I\'ve seen suggestions for things like adding power and shields through docked ships. Hmm if...
I\'m not really sure what to do with the other M.A.M.s besides an areoponics one, I already have a standard design for my aeroponics / protein resequencer as I\'ve already used it on the Scycle and Mammoth. I do want a science lab but I am not sure how to make it easily identified as being a...
I knew the docking of the M.A.M.s would need a little better explanation than just pictures. I didn\'t even think of the inability to dock through the plex doors until they were built but the port hole works well. Hopefully I\'ll be able to just put cockpits facing down (they were buggy when...
I love making small ships, large ships take forever to plan and construct but a small ship you can come up with an idea and have it built within no time. I usually have one large project I work on and then I take breaks and make a bunch of little ships when I get bored.
Presenting the UCC BC-117295 Scycle Destroyer:
The Scycle Destroyer has been a long time in development but has finally completed combat trials and its final inspection and is ready to leave dry-dock. This destroyer features an ample armament of turrets as well as devastating main...
Presenting the UCS FR-94179 M.A.M.M.O.T.H. (Mission Adaptive Module Mount Or Transport Housing)
The Mammoth is specifically designed for a colony support role. It\'s built to carry four mission adaptive modules, be able to land and allow access to the modules when on the surface...
Thanks, I\'m not much of an artist so I lean towards utilitarian designs and finding a good balance of form and function. I\'ve seen ships that just look to busy like the creators are so afraid of looking plain that they go overboard with details.
Limiting your inventory and linking to a ships plex storage would be good, This could have the benefit of being able to grab loot directly into ship storage so you don\'t just loose it all and have access to more block types when building. This would, however, require either a construction...
This warning should apply to chest too, I have no idea how many times I\'ve accidently clicked a chest, scattered it\'s contents and then instinctively picked them up with a partially full inventory therefore deleting half the items, but that could also be solved by not deleting items when...
Got a 10x10x10 one up to 61k regen then I ran out of powercores and I can\'t seem to get the command to give me any to work and my server deleted the blueprint I had made of powercores for no reasons...
honestly 11x11x11 or 9x9x9 would be a lot better, even numbers leaves a lot of dead space...
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