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    1. Lecic

      A bunch of suggestions about PVP

      "blahblah other games do it so its ok" I'm not saying established players shouldn't be able to dominate newbies. I'm saying that they shouldn't be able to completely kill someone out of the game by destroying all of their assets. EVE has a huge playerbase with massive ingame corporations to...
    2. Lecic

      The Blind Group Build

      Claiming positions for build 2 (Vertical ship) is open. I've decided build 3 is going to be a horizontal build. That wouldn't be as blind, though.
    3. Lecic

      The Blind Group Build

    4. Lecic

      Recognized by Council Build Mode Odd Sym by Plane

      Nothing is more frustrating to me while I'm building than having to build the same thing twice because I can't control individual symmetry planes.
    5. Lecic

      A bunch of suggestions about PVP

      No. I don't think you should be able to completely, 100% kill everything a faction owns. That's ridiculous. It just makes the domination of established players over new players even more concrete. Players NEED a safe place to retreat to. That's not to say I like the current state of "everyone...
    6. Lecic

      The Thryn [recruiting]

      You really don't take "no" for an answer, do you?
    7. Lecic

      The Blind Group Build

      Two middle bits.
    8. Lecic

      StarSide Blood and Steel: Season 2

      And why did he lose? Only because the station was there to soak up the missiles.
    9. Lecic

      The Blind Group Build

      Well, time is up, but I don't think what we currently have is enough to really build a ship...
    10. Lecic

      StarSide Blood and Steel: Season 2

      Swarmers normally aren't that threatening a weapon. The issue is that B & S is in a locked sector, meaning you can't really outrun the missiles.
    11. Lecic

      The Terran Gossamer Technocracy

      29er is an independent young shipwright who don't need no thryn
    12. Lecic

      StarSide Blood and Steel: Season 2

      Either have a station, or have random asteroids scattered around the map. Swarmers are too OP otherwise.
    13. Lecic

      The Thryn [recruiting]

      Not to mention your aspirations of leadership in a faction you have never worked with and a poor understanding of our "history," we do not accept people with a history of stealing blueprints and ingame materials from the factions they are in.
    14. Lecic

      StarSide Blood and Steel: Season 2

      Can't say I'm really a fan of there being boarding equipment. As if the swarmer boats didn't already have a huge advantage. This changes nothing for them, but quite a lot for everyone else.
    15. Lecic

      The Thryn [recruiting]

      We have reason to believe NFD would be a much better fit for you. We recommend you apply for them instead.
    16. Lecic

      Flame Corp

      then why did you even bring them up if they aren't coming to starmade...?
    17. Lecic

      Flame Corp

      Oh, I don't doubt they're real. I looked them up after you first talked about them. I doubt they're coming to Starmade, or that they'll be any good.
    18. Lecic

      StarSide Blood and Steel: Season 2

      eugh, swarmers
    19. Lecic

      StarSide Blood and Steel: Season 2

      Is that a swarmer clock I spy?