Search results

    1. aceface

      Map with coordinates

      If I hear correctly on mushroomfleet, @Calbiri said that a new starmap would be released with the new universe
    2. aceface

      Polygon shading in 'lighting' mode.

      ugh building in lighting mode with black hull is just horrible - we need this!
    3. aceface

      This station happened to spawn next to a planet!

      @El_Poulpy your station!
    4. aceface

      Get you ships Pimped at Pimp My Ship™

      @WolfChild your ship is pimped!
    5. aceface

      Mass-based turning system

      which is what it already does, mass does affect the turning rate to, but not at all as much as before the dimension option was implemented
    6. aceface

      Mass-based turning system

      @Planr mass does affect turning speed just not as much as before.
    7. aceface

      Recognized New UI for Turrets (bobby - faction)

      yes yes yes, this is a good idea, you can already activate turrets but the ui for it is crap and you can't even enter faction signature anyway
    8. aceface

      Scalling pirates "levels"

      +9999999999999999999 Why hasn't this been suggested before?!?!?!? This is what ruins gameplay completely and discourages advancements because as long as you can kill the tiny ships you are fine. If you have to big pirates then you can't do anything. It's one of the things I hate about starmade...
    9. aceface

      Planned A proper 3rd person view (aka Chasecam)

      80 something
    10. aceface

      Planned A proper 3rd person view (aka Chasecam)

      no it doesn't :P
    11. aceface

      Planned A proper 3rd person view (aka Chasecam)

      feels good not to be a noob
    12. aceface

      NOO! don't think like that - btw my computer broke and i had to reinstall windows on it xD

      NOO! don't think like that - btw my computer broke and i had to reinstall windows on it xD
    13. aceface

      You should totally become master-ship builder!

      You should totally become master-ship builder!
    14. aceface

      StarMade 0.171 Salvage to Storage and more

      @schema you made quite a serious typing error when you mentioned point defense :D
    15. aceface

      ahhhh finally!

      ahhhh finally!
    16. aceface

      Planned A proper 3rd person view (aka Chasecam)

      thanks :D:D :D :D :D
    17. aceface

      Planned A proper 3rd person view (aka Chasecam)

      :) thanks, it's because a guy was disagreeing with my friend all the time for no reason so i disagreed to him along with a few other people. regretted doing that and undid the disagrees before it was seen by admins but still got my 300 likes removed :(
    18. aceface

      StarMade 0.171 Salvage to Storage and more

      Good job Schema, Good job! ^^