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    1. CyberTao

      Station Defense?

      If your asking if I have any defenses, I don't currently. I only recently came back out of Single Player creative and moved to a build server. If and when I finally get back to a normal server, I'd probably just stick with a single homebase with a few turrets to pick off pirates over time, since...
    2. CyberTao

      Station Defense?

      None what so ever! I'm actually not a huge fan of turrets as they currently are, only ones I have are on my WIP ship, and they need to be redone. Tiny things though, would only really be useful against fighters or corvettes, probably not what you want.
    3. CyberTao

      Station Defense?

      Would it not make more sense to combine those stations into a large mega station? Would have more shields and if you plan the layout right, just as much in the sense of turret placement. If they are spread out, a informed faction would easily be able to pick them off one at a time.
    4. CyberTao

      Shields and turrets

      I guess I could support a limited sharing. Would keep PD safe and useful and make small ships wait until the shields are down to move in to harass. How does a partial share work? A percent of damage being transferred to the main ship's shields?
    5. CyberTao

      Shields and turrets

      If a ship suddenly has 10k less space, I don't how they wouldn't get 10k blocks worth of more shields. Turret sizes would increase as well.
    6. CyberTao

      Block non-faction in build mode

      More often than anything, you can not see weapon sizes, and it'd be a guessing game to even try to figure out the weapons from a exposed computer. I'm not exactly sure how seeing inside another ship adds any advantage.
    7. CyberTao

      Shields and turrets

      No. For each group attached to a computer, there is a 10% power increase to all weapons attached to that computer. So for 20 groups, you get +200% power cost to each group, increasing the total power needed to fire by 4000%. The reason we have this is to remove the old style waffle guns and...
    8. CyberTao

      procedurally generated horror mobs

      You know, ignoring the fact that mobs will be randomly generated based on where they are in the universe. Short of swapping out the entire model inventory for them, not sure how you could do that.
    9. CyberTao

      Shields and turrets

      It removes the one weakness Larger ships even had right now. They can't turn well, so they have to backpedal or rely on turrets. What's more, AI can easily bypass the increased energy cost of multiple groups by just firing every computer as once (instead of 1 computer with 20 groups, you can...
    10. CyberTao


      A single reactor group with 594 blocks all extending the dimensions grants 1258.7 e per block according to the wiki. Honestly, the fact that you are using a X sounds like you are wasting blocks, try just using a / and a line, or just a cross. It's all exactly the same mate. Why do people use...
    11. CyberTao

      Shields and turrets

      It was last time I tried, which was admittedly long ago.
    12. CyberTao

      Shields and turrets

      >Target Selected
    13. CyberTao

      Shields and turrets

      If turrets gained the shields of the mothership, why would you put any weapons at all on the main ship?
    14. CyberTao

      How did so many people decide titans start at 100k mass?

      Well, more and more people are realizing many ships can indeed overpower a larger one, either via drones or proper communication with a team. Even those hosting the Starside thing have mentioned that teams do better than single man large ships. I dunno, 'fleets' are more effective than people...
    15. CyberTao

      Missile-Beam, or Pulse Weapons

      Keep in mind, the damage staging of missile needs work. Staging breaks up the radius into different parts that helps with the calculations for which blocks get destroyed. All blocks in stage 1 destroyed => Start stage 2. To quote someone who knows more about it
    16. CyberTao

      Missile-Beam, or Pulse Weapons

      You shouldn't, a few updates ago Schema did something that should prevent the updates from overwriting the changes. Could always make a backup incase you're not sure, and just copy/paste it if it ever does revert. Remember to test and adjust things though. Calbiri spent a lot of time trying to...
    17. CyberTao

      Missile-Beam, or Pulse Weapons

      You want BlockBehaviourconfig.xml. Blockconfig is mostly to do with shops and basic block stats. After that, you'd want to scroll down until you see a section that's like this <BasicValues> Marks the start of base weapon w/out slave, <Combination> <Cannon/missile/etc> is the slave modifier...
    18. CyberTao


      To add onto what Thalanor said, each reactor gives a flat 25 e/sec, and there is a shipwide grouping bonus for up to 1 million e/sec (total). The grouping bonus is dependent on the dimensions of the groups, so stick-framing is best in that regard. Once you understand how grouping works, you can...
    19. CyberTao

      How did so many people decide titans start at 100k mass?

      Ah, pinata smashing. When you brought up credit values I had assumed you were talking about buying ships with them. Stations cost a flat rate to create (default is 1million credits) and then you just build off them. If you spawn from a blueprint, it's the blocks used plus the Station creation costs.
    20. CyberTao

      Can I delete full structures?

      adding _dock to the end destroys everything docked to the structure, Turrets and docked ships included (those are saved in the Blueprint as well).