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    1. MacThule

      Read by Council Multiplayer ship thought

      My main suggestion is either 1) non-linked (or linked) control blocks for power, shields and thrust OR 2) a single "systems" control block for all three. Function being that as a ship takes damage and begins having power, shield and thrust outages, a second non-pilot player can use this control...
    2. MacThule

      Read by Council Docked entity limits? Simpler Turret system

      Since we all know that more cores = more lag a single-core or even no-core turret seems like a no-brainer (if it's possible within reasonable coding limits). The reason it probably won't happen is that they JUST implemented the current turret system as a big upgrade a mere 6 months ago. I doubt...
    3. MacThule

      Recognized Event Reports

      So, the fleets are in game now and lack of any form of log or report regarding the history of fleets and fleet members is now officially a problem. Lost 4 elements of a 5-fighter squadron(fleet) while it traveled about 10 sectors near no suns and not within 2 sectors of any pirate stations...
    4. MacThule


    5. MacThule

      Dev Blog : February 17th 2016

      BENCH! I love you... Thank you so much for blogging us a general outline ahead of the upcoming patch. I've been desperately trying to build up a set of very basic designs that can be used to fill out fleets (ie simple fighters, frigates and destroyers that can be spammed into a fleet to...
    6. MacThule

      Baffled armor deflects nuke blast

      It was totally unexpected. I thought my client was glitching at first and the hit just wasn't being calculated, but then I noticed that there was a tiny bit of damage. It bears extensive experimentation, because damage deflection of that magnitude is a game changer. Currently I'm thinking of...
    7. MacThule

      Baffled armor deflects nuke blast

      I accidentally lay a sheet of Standard Armor in perpendicular slab lines then decided to keep it since it looked cool and was a second (outer) layer anyway. Then during testing I discovered two things. First, firing a cannon or beam directly in between the armor slabs bypasses them and damages...
    8. MacThule

      Light Beam Frigate 2016-02-28

      Light Beam Frigate The idea behind this ship is something very simple and EZ to manufacture that can be used to bolster or shore up fleets that already have a core of capital ships (cruisers, battleships, carrier, etc). She's small and agile, and probably will not be seen as a serious...
    9. MacThule

      Read by Council Retain more new players - fix vanilla jumps

      Want to see the SM player base increase? Make it not a tooth and nail fight just to move around in vanilla. Let servers downgrade jumps if they want - don't torture new players in vanilla. It's been a while since I visited a multiplayer server with vanilla jumps and nothing to start but the...
    10. MacThule

      Classing Ships for Fleets

      Look... We've classified and named 950,000 insect species on Earth based on their meaningful characteristics... but people are seriously saying we should resign ourselves to attempting to discuss ships here using a creol of mutually inaccessible, private terms mishmashed with movie, manga & game...
    11. MacThule

      Classing Ships for Fleets

      And what does block count say about where blocks are going? You say power is not an indicator of a ship's power, but block count is. Please elaborate. A 50K mass ship poorly made can barely move, or it can have 2 docked reactors giving it insane weapons and thrust. How do we know the difference?
    12. MacThule

      Classing Ships for Fleets

      Well this is expected, of course. A few people will be confused, yes. My reasons are given in the OP, though perhaps not all would agree. Docked reactor ships are not stable. They're experimental toys. They break the game with much greater frequency than ships without. Yes they work... mostly...
    13. MacThule

      Read by Council More Map Filters

      Please! The map has filters for territory, wormholes, warp gates, rings... but none for pirate stations, trade stations, shops or derelicts :-/
    14. MacThule

      Classing Ships for Fleets

      Over a month ago, aye. As a former tabletop wargamer and more recently RTS afficionado, this was actually exactly my thinking. In Starmade, what is the common factor between firepower capacity, shield capacity, and the relationship between armor value & thrust / maneuverability? Power. DPS...
    15. MacThule

      Classing Ships for Fleets

      thanks for all the input :)
    16. MacThule

      Classing Ships for Fleets

      A lot of people seem to favor role/function as defining class. I'm curious as to what that would look like. As in, an example of a relatively simple, understandable schema for classifying ships by role. *EDIT: Sorry - the reason I find this to be a challenge and went with power is that not...
    17. MacThule

      Classing Ships for Fleets

      There are some older ship class guides out there, but the game has changed a lot since then. Also, I'm not sure that mass is the best basis for classifying warships, since mass is no indicator of function or relative ability. Function (i.e. drone carrier) could be a means to determine relative...
    18. MacThule

      Public Docking Nerf

      This may have been fixed. Someone told me it was, and I tested and don't seem able to explode ships at public dock like I was :)
    19. MacThule

      Dev Blog : February 13th 2016

      I hope there's something in place to prevent players from using lag as a super-weapon... players actively do this you know. Because turrets and drones can function even while players' clients are paralyzed by lag from a mega fleet jumping onto them.
    20. MacThule

      Planned Capital Ships and Motherships

      Carry on. This is not a disagreement that will be solved through discussion. I apologize for interrupting your thread.