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    1. Gristle

      New Planet Terrain Generation

      What changes do you speak of?
    2. Gristle

      Hopes for a Better Tomorrow

      Is it tomorrow yet? :P
    3. Gristle

      Can't get my turrets to rotate.

      I updated the wiki to correct values earlier today.
    4. Gristle

      Super Tight Crew Quarters?

      Wow - Some of these make my standard 1 bunk 3x3 crew cube look spacious.
    5. Gristle

      Can't get my turrets to rotate.

      Wiki says each mass enhancer is good for 3.5 mass. My calculation was for 8500 blocks which is not the mass. Actually might be less needed. What is the mass of the barrel assembly?
    6. Gristle

      Shop Cargo and Storage

      What I'm saying is 50K is a large amount if you can't put that amount in your inventory.
    7. Gristle

      Can't get my turrets to rotate.

    8. Gristle

      Blueprint Buying

      Had this and it was removed. Dev team wants people to mine/craft/buy components for ship building. I see BP's as probably going to have their function changed to be the way ships are saved and not a means of ship construction, with the construction role performed by shipyards.
    9. Gristle

      Shop Cargo and Storage

      When stacks are limited, if we will only be able to carry say 2k blocks then 2,001 or 50,000, you'll need some way to take delivery of the blocks over the amount you can carry.
    10. Gristle

      Aren't Blueprint Items and Designs Redundant?

      I think we are in a transition period right now for blueprints and designs. As has been mentioned blueprints and adv. build mode are likely to evolve/change.
    11. Gristle

      Read by Council Adaptive Cloaking

      I like the ideas presented in the OP. Definitely would need tons of play testing to get it balanced, but isn't that what this stage of development is for and why we're here?
    12. Gristle

      Shop Cargo and Storage

      Another consideration with shops and stack limits is how do you take delivery of a purchase of 50,000 items.
    13. Gristle

      Shared Thoughts For Enhancing Quality Of Life

      Wouldn't the alignment problem be solved by the ability to pitch/roll in astronaut mode? Then the player would be aligned to the last entered object until they aligned themselves to something else.
    14. Gristle

      How to Determine Station Spawn Location?

      If you area admin you might try using teleport_selected_to DESCRIPTION: teleports the currently selected entity PARAMETERS: X(Float), Y(Float), Z(Float) EXAMPLE: /teleport_selected_to 0.0 1.0 3.5
    15. Gristle

      Dev Blog : October 20th 2015

      I agreed with your post, but as you said we only get crumbs of info like the OP. It could be that AI development is on hold until other pieces are in place, like captains chairs, so that they can be included in the AI code.
    16. Gristle

      Builder Helper Autofill?

      closest to autofill is to restrict editing to frame, and then set your build area to as large as possible and start clicking.
    17. Gristle

      How to recruit crew?

      Once a crew member has joined your team, limited to 4 or 5 crew, press and hold the left CTRL key. While holding control you should see the names of your crew on the left side of the screen. while still holding left CTRL, press the number for the crew member you want to give a command to, and...
    18. Gristle

      How to recruit crew?

      If admin you can also use some commands to manipulate the crew members, the most important being having them sit. This is important so they don't get left behind when you use a jump drive and even then it not 100% certain the warp won't devour them. When using some of the CTRL key commands and...
    19. Gristle

      Server Under Heavy Load if this message persists please tell an admin to send a report.

      same, tiny message that I hardly ever see anymore. 1920x1080 res.
    20. Gristle

      Gravity Slingshot for rapid astronaut movement?

      Check out Nuclearfun's Nidhoggr, it has tubes doing exactly what you describe.