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    1. Scratchmort

      My first ship(s)!

      Hiya, So, I'm just about a week new to the game, and I just kinda threw myself headlong into a creative world and started tinkering about with shipbuilding. I thought I'd share my first ship with you all so that I could get a bit of feedback (and so that you can have a good laugh at them, of...
    2. Scratchmort

      Hey, thanks dude!

      Hey, thanks dude!
    3. Scratchmort

      Introduction thread!

      Hiya, I'm Scratchmort (name comes from an old in-joke), found out about Starmade about a week ago and really liked the look of it, so here I am! I've always enjoyed sci-fi ship designs, so, when I heard about this game, installing it was a no-brainer. If only I'd found out about this game...