Why not do a deal with Trident Foundries and see If they can produce our large ships in exchange of tech and bounty missions and now with the npc update coming our faction will be more populated and stronger.
Thank you,the problem when I created this ships they were meant to be easy built and easy destroy able.
The ships that I normally built are expensive and never got to see action because of taking to long.
Sorry if I'm asking,but my laptop is broken and I'm using my mother laptop that will burn up if I play Starmade on it.
So yeah can someone tell e what is on the devbuild I'm kinda of hyped for the npc build and I'm hoping I can get a new pc before the update.
proposed that sometime agoevryone said no,must be the way I wright.Anyways would love to have area parking than rail parking,this would work great with my tipe of hagar like the acclamator stardestroyer.
Will the npc be this type of npc that always know where you are(kinda can see throw walls) or will it be the npc that has acctualy a field of view.
Because if one day my crew turns againts me I would like a hiding room with a ship that allows me to escape.
Nice I have no more bad fps when looking at my carrier and I can look at a group of 6 giant asteroids without having 3 fps now its 15 fps and 20 fps from far away.If there is an edtream lod system like warthunder or total war this game will have even more fps.ps theres a bug wherebat spawn npc...
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