Search results

    1. AnnaShade017

      When will the collision detection system be fixed?

      A bug will be rejected for a couple reasons, either A: It is a duplicate of a bug already reported or I'd assume B: It cannot be moved forward into "Open" or "Feedback". "Open" is "we have enough information to begin testing and work on this", while "Feedback" is for bugs where we don't have...
    2. AnnaShade017

      Skin request thread.

      I'll provide some images that will hopefully help. I also suggest, if it's possible, using Dave or Dave with the player template to make skins so you can see how things attach on the default Dave skin. But do whatever is easier for you to follow. You can also use the template as a skin in game...
    3. AnnaShade017

      Site load balancer

      wedtm - might have a better idea of what's going on.
    4. AnnaShade017

      Why are shields still broken

      - Checked Status on this bug (Bug #552 - Shields in new version are impenetrable) - I checked the tracker, after reading your post (thinking either it changed since you saw it, or that there were more urgent things being worked on above it) That bug is listed as "high" priority, not normal...
    5. AnnaShade017

      'Engineer Girl Skin' - Complete!

      Glad you like it! It is actually a coincidence. I was browsing deviant art for either fun, or inspiration, and found an image that caught my eye, and then I had to run into Photoshop and start putting down pixels. I didn't know it would necessarily become steam punk, but with the leather, it...
    6. AnnaShade017

      Kupu's thread

      The damage overlays can be changed/modded. I messed with it some myself.
    7. AnnaShade017

      Anna's Skin Workshop - Smaller Skin projects, Skin resources, and Skin-related work

      Here's a sort of 'preview' to what I've been working on lately, all WIP:
    8. AnnaShade017

      how does the member system work?

      100 Likes, it seems. 100 positive ratings alone will not get that trophy, currently.
    9. AnnaShade017

      Kupu's thread

      There's a possibility you're seeing discoloration due to the game's texture compression. I noticed discoloration mostly on the black normal hull but I notice a little discoloration as well on the hardened grey hull, to get rid of the discoloration issue, turn off "Texture Array Compression" in...
    10. AnnaShade017

      Star Wars Theme Skin Poll

      Congrats, man! Have a wonderful wedding and enjoy your honeymoon. I know I speak for more than myself when I say I/we will be eagerly awaiting your return and the release of more of your skins in the future. You really do make fantastic skins! :D (And thanks for the mention, I'll try to keep...
    11. AnnaShade017

      Engineer Girl 1.0

      This skin was accomplished with the help of many wonderful people and their helpful comments on the forums, you can read those comments and watch how this skin developed HERE.
    12. AnnaShade017

      'Engineer Girl Skin' - Complete!

      - Completed Skin - WIP - Complete! After the last update I added some shading, and tweaked some areas after in game testing (You'll find the chest region was moved down a bit, this was due to my realization that this skin was originally started when I had just begun making female skins, and on...
    13. AnnaShade017

      Starmade Art Thread

      I wish I could give more than one rating to this, or multiple likes, this is AWESOME!! Both a free, sketchy look, but crisp and clear as well. Besides that, I can't help but drink this in and wonder at all the armor/clothing/skinning opportunities this could inspire. :D I'm also delightfully...
    14. AnnaShade017

      'Engineer Girl Skin' - Complete!

      This is probably one of the last updates I will give for this skin before releasing it. At this point the large pieces are where I want them, but I'm still flexible on details. Also, I have yet to begin shading or in game testing, that means likely things will look more refined after I've done...
    15. AnnaShade017

      Need an accurate list of block ids. none of them seem to be up to date...

      There are several places you can find them. Here are some links: Also you can find all new block ids as they are entered in the game via the Block Editor (under the Modding...
    16. AnnaShade017

      Commander Shepard Skin with Celestial Hair and Dead Space Marker

      Woah, awesome hair! :o Cool modifications. ^w^
    17. AnnaShade017

      Game not updating/starting bug!

      For those that don't know, we had a problem in chat where someone was unable to download the new build from the launcher, and also could not manually download from the /build page. This was likely due to an internet issue on their end but nevertheless, they were unable to play and came to...
    18. AnnaShade017

      New Avatar as of yesterday, working on skinning a bit every day again. Time to loosen up and...

      New Avatar as of yesterday, working on skinning a bit every day again. Time to loosen up and have fun with this again!
    19. AnnaShade017

      Anna's Skin Workshop - Smaller Skin projects, Skin resources, and Skin-related work

      Thank you! ^_^ I've been trying to change it for a while (I just couldn't make something I liked enough), but I finally did. And you have changed your avatar as well! :D Also glad you like the faces, I likely won't use them in my own skins (as I'll make new unique faces for those) but I...
    20. AnnaShade017

      Anna's Skin Workshop - Smaller Skin projects, Skin resources, and Skin-related work

      Hey guys, here's a new group of face skins, this group is all female skins, and the two female skins given before are also in here to hopefully make things easier to find in the future. While I want to make new responses to this post so those watching will know when there's an update, I also...