Search results

    1. Dalmont

      Sector Bookmarks

      This. Although personally I take screenshots with the UI on. You can do that using the F5 key, and they'll be saved to your main star-made directory.
    2. Dalmont

      (Shader mods) Bearish's Super Mega Mod Thread of Doom

      This is absolutely magnificent. I feel... ... enlightened. Way to nail it again man!
    3. Dalmont

      Starmade Art Thread

      So I haven't really done much painting lately, but here are a few of my old ones! Photoshop + 3DMax. All my own designs. Ninja edit: I will finish these builds in-game eventually I promise (tm). ;P
    4. Dalmont

      SFW. Rook RC3

      The SFW. Rook is one of our newer fighter designs. Shes a simple ship, designed to get you in and out in one piece. The rook truly fits the definition of multi-role. Able to function as both a fighter/bomber and a personal craft. She also sports a forward spotlight array for those pesky search...
    5. Dalmont

      SFW. Knight RC4

      Missiles giving you trouble? Look no further. The SFW. Knight is a dedicated anti missile boat. Boasting a vast array of point defense turrets this heavily armed frigate is sure to be found creating a flak wall near you! Features: Massive point-defense AMS array. Full interior with combat...
    6. Dalmont

      Poll: How do you start your ships?

      You have NO idea how accurate that statement just was.
    7. Dalmont

      Dear Schema

    8. Dalmont

      SFW. Parallax - Added Jump Drive.

      Added a basic jump drive. Feel free to tweak it.
    9. Dalmont

      SFW. Dominion - Added Jump Drive.

      Added a fairly advanced jump drive. Replaces the cannon system.
    10. Dalmont

      The Milano - Added jump drive.

      Added a basic jump drive. Feel free to fine tune it.
    11. Dalmont

      SFW. Halberd - Added jump drive.

      Added a basic jump drive. Feel free to fine tune it.
    12. Dalmont


      Much like Star Citizen; StarMade not having a Kickstarter or other external funding essentially cuts out the middleman. Basically this breaks this game down to two parties: The Developers, and us, the players. No complicated deadlines. No package deals needing fulfilled. No empty promises. No...
    13. Dalmont

      Thrust Mechanics Explained

      I have absolutely no complaints and am currently dro... I mean building a carrier with anticipation.
    14. Dalmont

      Trading Guild Outpost - Bug Fix Two

      Bug Fix Two
    15. Dalmont

      Trading Guild Outpost - Bug Fixes

      Bug Fixes.
    16. Dalmont

      I actually use the Default texture pack; definitely one of my favorites!

      I actually use the Default texture pack; definitely one of my favorites!
    17. Dalmont

      SFW. Halberd JC1

      Ship Overview by EFSF Raiben I'm happy to present to you the SFW. Halberd! The latest in patrol ship technology finally graces the spacelanes after much anticipation! Her development was delayed following the completion of the sapceframe and subsequently refurbished with the latest in...
    18. Dalmont

      Build Idea: Scatter Pack shuttles / Chaff

      Zero_Sen did this a while back on our sever. It started with regular chaff: Core + AI module. Which worked incredibly well for diverting the targeting sensors of the day. After a while, he branched out to missile pods and various other small swarm drones. Which are now a standard feature on...
    19. Dalmont

      changing the color of a ship

      Pretty much this. If you're really desperate, hold out a bit longer. Proper "Paint" is planned!