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    1. ZektorSK

      Faction balls!

      WTF dislike, buuh, I am not there
    2. ZektorSK

      Starmade memes

    3. ZektorSK

      [Philoshopy] Why do we keep trying to build something pretty ?

      I think they added a steering wheel, I don't think that it is a mechanical problem
    4. ZektorSK

      [Philoshopy] Why do we keep trying to build something pretty ?

      What ? So you are saying that, if Tiger Tank, from Nazi Germany would be ugly, that would mean it is shit ? Would that mean that entire Germany engineers are shits ?
    5. ZektorSK

      [Philoshopy] Why do we keep trying to build something pretty ?

      It can't have both... to have the best vizual you have to be entirelly focused on vizual... and if you want both, then you would have to cut off the vizual to actually have space for systems... and that would mean less beatufil ship, because you have to think on every thing : from thrusters...
    6. ZektorSK

      [Philoshopy] Why do we keep trying to build something pretty ?

      Don't be so ignorant, and read the thread again, there are atleast 3 questions for you to think on
    7. ZektorSK

      [Philoshopy] Why do we keep trying to build something pretty ?

      And have you considered actually answering to my question ?
    8. ZektorSK

      [Philoshopy] Why do we keep trying to build something pretty ?

      It seems that you can't have something original and beatufil, yet still functional and effective
    9. ZektorSK

      [Philoshopy] Why do we keep trying to build something pretty ?

      I was kinda Wondering, why do we, as players of starmade, try hardly to make ships and stations look pretty ? Do we even need something to look good ? Why is vizual more importnat to us then effectiveness ? Does it make difference, if we have ship like it was made by artist, or a normal cube ...
    10. ZektorSK

      Council Resignation Letter

      Just hope you thinked on it a lot, so you don't regret it when it is late :)
    11. ZektorSK

      Starmade memes

      No anime pls, KLK was enaugh for me to understand, how anime represents itself
    12. ZektorSK

      Read by Council Drills - Another way of getting resources

      I just don't like having it as a pernament income... rather having it like a "alive thing", that can broke sometimes, and you can upgrade it... They would be priorited more, if there is an attack to a planet.
    13. ZektorSK

      Read by Council Drills - Another way of getting resources

      Having it pernamently on a planet is quite a casual thing to do... giving players a choice to do their own drills, is much better, then just giving them rendered structure, that is everywhere the same.
    14. ZektorSK

      Read by Council Drills - Another way of getting resources

      Hello There ! Everyone knows the classical way of getting resources... by drones or by doing it yourself... but... what about making it more simple and more automatic ? I was thinking on a drills, that could dig trough planet and get the resources into your chest. Resources depend on the...
    15. ZektorSK

      Brainstorm This Thruster Fuel

      This discussion was already closed, nothing like this is going to be added to the game... I think discussing on this more is a pity of time
    16. ZektorSK

      Starmade memes

      That is amazing lol, you are now my personal artist
    17. ZektorSK

      Starmade memes

    18. ZektorSK

      Starmade memes