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    1. ToyotaSupra

      Rate Star Made's community, 1-10

      So then, has it turned into a fight yet? Pirex and SNK seem to be fighting already...
    2. ToyotaSupra

      what i like and don't like about the new ui

      I might get flak for this...but I think threads like this are pretty good. Clear, well explained with pros and cons. Constructive criticism, to see what's right and what's wrong. Better than the BASED SCHEMA BEST GAME EVAH and DIS GAME BE SHYT YO threads...
    3. ToyotaSupra

      Totaly New Feature! Planet Wars!!!!!

      I think there should be some more variation with planet buildings, including enemy bases. There are plans for AI NPC's in the fyooochuh so we'll see.
    4. ToyotaSupra

      were can i find RED WOOD ?

      It used to be found on planets, but this was back when ice planets has trees (ice wood). OP, use an editor to change it to normal wood.
    5. ToyotaSupra

      turret dock settings!

      God damnnit stop laughing. Dicking systems are very serious. Anyway, how do you know I'm not New Zealander? (Changed to docking)
    6. ToyotaSupra

      Also I like your avatar, very colourful, but it looks more like a spotted potato than a cookie...

      Also I like your avatar, very colourful, but it looks more like a spotted potato than a cookie. I'm drunkk tough, so maybe it doen;t. Still, nice avatar.
    7. ToyotaSupra

      turret dock settings!

      Oh no doubt. I should tell you that the next major update is focussing on the docking, including a new rail system , but mostly an improved docking system. The docking system has been ok, but with issues. So the main focus right now is the docking system, with improvements. In other words...
    8. ToyotaSupra


      Not...really. I'm not sure, but you'll have to ask the mods. By warheads you mean the missiles right?
    9. ToyotaSupra

      Rate Star Made's community, 1-10

      Yooo I'm drunk as heck and that gif is tripping me the fuck out. Tommorror ill give you a better response ok.
    10. ToyotaSupra

      Missing kind of Wedges

      It's solely due to the looks, at least in my opinion. It shouldn't be on any priority other than 'the design guy got burned out so he designed more decorative blocks' at least IMHO. Creative fix? great. But practical? Not much. one-by-one blocks look good but can't be used as blocks. I'm not...
    11. ToyotaSupra

      Pipes that transfer fluids and gases

      ^ This and I doubt they'll be added. Didn't skoomah say they won't be added because the engine doesn't support it or smth?
    12. ToyotaSupra

      were can i find RED WOOD ?

      What? That's a legacy removed block...what block is it? For the referance, you can't get it because it's legacy, really old block too we're talking pre alpha here...
    13. ToyotaSupra

      How do I get a fast rate of fire?

      You add another cannon (I think you mean cannon, but only canons work with this) Computer to the other one, by which I mean connect it with C and V. Then add the same amount of cannon blocks to that computer, and have fun with your minigun! Hope this helped.
    14. ToyotaSupra

      Rate Star Made's community, 1-10

      Do-do I count as an older member? Can I get a badge for this? Anyway: Too bloody right, top quote right there for real. It's like when people give learner drivers shit for being new, well what the heck are they supposed to do? Be instantly experienced? Not how it works. Gently eeeeaaasssee them...
    15. ToyotaSupra

      Rate Star Made's community, 1-10

      Really? I'd give it a high 8-9. Mostly due to the chillness of the mods, I've gotten away with shit I'd never get away with on most m+ rated games...developers are active in the community too, which is too rare. I often feel like I'm treading on eggshells when talking to mods and devs on other...
    16. ToyotaSupra

      Missing kind of Wedges

      Plexlifters don't work on ships, and gravity lifts don't work when a ship goes fast...go figure.
    17. ToyotaSupra

      Missing kind of Wedges

      We're also sorely missing stairs. >Hurr but muh LIMTID BLOKZ Sorry but wedges don't cut it.
    18. ToyotaSupra

      Conduits - Cool but perhaps a function as well?

      God damnit Kep, not all of us are world-class shipwrights with tons of space and resources :D Conduits do look ugly as blocks, even with the minecraft theme the game has. It looks uncanny tbh. I think all decorative blocks should have a small minor function at some point, maybe make sounds or...
    19. ToyotaSupra

      Slaving Display Modules

      I really think this is a good idea. Could also make bulletin boards by updating the master, which updates the other blocks too. Like for this.
    20. ToyotaSupra

      StarMade v0.188 - A completely new GUI

      Schema block confirmed! Also doubt any dev team will see this but please please let us build our own rail carts, and don't give us a dedicated railcart block. Let us build our own instead, as big or small as we like. Thanks.