Docked entities does not work as a part of the ship, but are either a docked not working ships or turrets living their own life. Also using such eject system wouldn't require placing plenty of weapon blocks, instead we would have a one use only (i guess that the eject block would be used on...
Just to pass the information - i also had few of these errors in a row about 20 minutes ago, but it looks like the page is working properly right now.
Edit: Actually it happened again :)
Here is how someone else solved this problem, but it's practically only updating java and graphic card driver. You have the latest version of java but make sure that You have 64bit version of it.
Also if You have brand new laptop, probably many of the drivers and software on it are outdated...
So basically in-game SMEdit. There is definitely a need for this type of features either as an in-game options or third-party software. Of course it would be nice if we had dev-made or dev-approved program added to vanilla game, but i guess writing such program can take some time, so Schema may...
AFAIR Schema said that before he was working in similar speed (probably it's faster now due to more testers and better bug tracking) but updates weren't made public, instead available for devs to download.
I prefer updates being publicly available, because then whole community is testing new...
I think it was mentioned before that going to options and changing alignment binding from space to another key fixes this issue, but i haven't tried this.
Yeah, i've heard about hover blocks, but mine main point was to make thruster block inactive while in the atmosphere.
Fighters wouldn't need plenty of thrusters to fly in space but probably would need to focus on the hover blocks to be pretty mobile in the atmosphere. Not using the same...
Yeah, it was a suggestion some time ago, i just feel obligated to mention that to not make it looks like it's mine idea :) unfortunately i can't find a link to the original thread.
Maybe not necessarily make the gravity pulling bigger ship stronger, but decrease thrust/mass ratio on the big ships (also resulting in slowing them down), so once they got caught in the gravity sphere of the planet, they would crash on it. But still there would be a problem of ships with...
Dimension based system takes too little space on bigger ships and i prefer "you want a lot of thrust then you better have a lot of thrusters" approach than "be creative, but basically the best option is to put few lines running through your whole ship".
When i started playing this game i loved...
I was also thinking about some shielding surrounding the planet, but didn't thought about using the atmosphere as a natural defender :)
Also damaging the big ships entering the atmosphere/gravity of the planet is a good idea, but may be tricky while implementing.
Hello my Single Player server, please keep linear scaling thrust calculations.
Dimension system is too easily abused or simplified to "put the longest lines of system blocks as possible". Not so much creativity enhancing.
There would be a proper balance, which most likely would be used by many players (with minor tweaks). Current weapon system is pretty new and also there were (and still are coming) some changes to shield and thrust equations, to prevent immediate coring of the ships. Anyway so far we can only...
credulo I don't think that moving the ship to another server would make it completely useless. From my experience (of course it may vary for different players) the longest time of creating the ship is actually making the shape of the ship + interior + decorating. Stuffing it with system blocks...
Titans appearing from nowhere and destroying everyone nearby can be prevented by adding disadvantages before and/or after using the FTL like completely depleted power or shields or much lower power regen, etc.
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