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    1. ridik_ulass


      We need ladders. what else is there to explain.
    2. ridik_ulass

      An Open letter to the Rebel Alliance Refugees

      most people know at this point my intel is solid. and on that note. a little bridy told me, that Rogue guy is obi, so I don\'t get this whole shit talking thing, but what evs.
    3. ridik_ulass

      An Open letter to the Rebel Alliance Refugees

      Hello and welcome, You may know me from different servers and for different reasons. And if you don't know me, well I'm Ridik Ulass, I was the leader of Word of Blake on Nass, a mercenary faction and currently I am CEO of The Euro-Corp Syndicate on HSZ, we also have several vested interests and...
    4. ridik_ulass

      The Unified Alliance of Factions Official Bulletin

      I\'ll join if I can be in charge :-P
    5. ridik_ulass

      The Vaygr Empire [Member of the PACT]

      The Euro-Corp Syndicate would also like to offer support in any projects that need doing. Ridik Ulass CEO, The Euro-Corp Syndicate - Building a Better Universe
    6. ridik_ulass

      Parts of planet disappearing

      I had a similar issue, I run a large faction and our home planet is quite ornate, The missing parts wern\'t like buildings went unfinished, but rather my work was undone, I had random sides of buildings revert, not into nothing but into a stage of construction windows went missing and were...
    7. ridik_ulass

      Dman's Ship Classifications

      incase there was a misunderstanding, usually the best way to fix a defined issue, is to not do that. forinstance, your ships don\'t accomidate larger ship sizes, and focus to much on very small ship sizes, naming small ships grandous names like titans. the way to fix this, In my humble...
    8. ridik_ulass

      Dman's Ship Classifications

      How is my critisim not constructive, I said the reason I didn\'t like it, and that was very specifically why I made the post, it was that you call small ships big ship names, and don\'t leave enough space at the end of your ship naming convention to deal with the largest of ships.
    9. ridik_ulass

      Dman's Ship Classifications

      I read it, don\'t be so assumptive. but you posted this in a public forum and I am venturing my opinion. if you don\'t like it don\'t post in public simple. I\'m not trying to dig at you but if you didn\'t want opinions then why post it in public, if you don\'t like critisim and are just...
    10. ridik_ulass

      Dman's Ship Classifications

      I don\'t like this system at all, you jump to naming everything with big ship names, and get bogged down naming small ships.all your supercapitals I\'d regard as battleships. this is the defination of giving some runner up in a race a participation medal for a non accomplishment.
    11. ridik_ulass

      Games and Theory : The strategy of 3 dimensional warfare. Pt 2

      The Euro-Corp Syndicate imploys 7 diffrent fleets consisting of 4 fleet members and a squad leader each. Each squad leader and only the squad leader of the fleet is permitted to speak on comms, he relays informations to the fleet commanders who update an smaller Oracle in the capital fleet...
    12. ridik_ulass

      fleet action and its lack of it

      wars in thier current state is currently timed greifing raids. espicially with christmas CR, DFN they vaygr and my own faction are very comparativly inactive to what they were at the hight of the vaygr - DFN war. also college and high school tests and the older folks buying shopping and...
    13. ridik_ulass

      The Covenant are invading,...This will probably turn out badly for them

      what can I say, they work well togeather, its a busy complex space is at a premium too
    14. ridik_ulass

      Games and Theory : The strategy of 3 dimensional warfare. Pt 2

      I built an Oracle, a 3d map of an entire server to detail known space as far as 150 in the positive and negative along every axis. now what server will I map.
    15. ridik_ulass

      Vii's Homeworld inspired, Dimensional Ship Scale:

      this doesn\'t reprasent the 2nd and 3rd dimension. just length, don\'t like it
    16. ridik_ulass

      simpleModular weapons and armour

      I think the strategy of it all it the finite number of slotss, finding the right combination that suits you, you could change your suit layout for planet side pvp or astroid mining. in space trusters and oxygen would be important while planet side shields and armour.
    17. ridik_ulass

      simpleModular weapons and armour

      I think optics like a personal zoom feature or binoculars could be done by adding simple glass blocks. keeping it simple and down to things we already have in game, means less work for schema.
    18. ridik_ulass

      simpleModular weapons and armour

      I see nearly daily suggestions about weapons and armour and they are usually very complicated and specific. I suggest simple everyone already has armour like they already have a gun, and they bot have slots. a gun with an amc in the slot is an amc, a gun with a d1000 in the slot is a d1000...
    19. ridik_ulass

      Defunct Ingrediant on the AMC recipe table