Search results

    1. X

      Just a small collection

      Yeah, there are a few awesome ships there I haven\'t seen before!
    2. X

      The Magnus

      Awesome ship, now we just need casino game blocks and strobe lights in the game!
    3. X

      Arcadia Shipyard's

      That\'s a cool ship!
    4. X

      So I built a ship.. Quaziamato

      Awesome ship! I found it on one of the servers out there and spent a while playing around with it.
    5. X

      ScyTech Blackbird

      Awesome Ship! I\'m curious about the cloaking, I\'ll have to try that out.
    6. X

      New way of saving ships

      Yeah, I like this idea. It would also be nice to be able to save space stations.
    7. X

      Ship Catalog/mob bug

      There are ships that keep spawning in mob groups even though they are set with Use In Waves: no in the Ship Catalog Manager. There are also a lot of ships that are set Use In Waves: yes that never spawn. Is there a value cap to the spawned ships, if there is, can it be changed?
    8. X

      Single Player game corrupted

      I haven\'t sent a report. I have the game saved by changing the name of the server_database folder, and started a new game.
    9. X

      Making ships SO much cooler

      Yes to all of these ideas, would add a whole new level of awesome to building ships. There is one thing I would like to add though, it\'s something I posted a while back. .... I would like to have a computer block similar to the weapons computers that could be assigned a number key in the...
    10. X

      Planet gravity

      Great Ideas although I don\'t like the indestructible blocks. That could be very inconvenient. It would be cool if the strength of gravity was based on the number of blocks. If you built a planet sized ship it would create its own gravity just due to size.
    11. X

      SITH Cruiser SD class

      Very nice.
    12. X

      Ship shutdown

      I was thinking something similar. I think disabled and scrapped ships should have a gray radar the same as astroids. Doing a shutdown would makes your ship signature the same dark gray. Play dead and be bait.
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    14. X

      Lunacy Shipyard Inc.

      Cool ships! I like your Dragbarge, would be a great ship for those space pirates.
    15. X

      Single Player game corrupted

      My single player game crashed out today, and no longer works. Multiplayer will still load, but single player will now close when I hit OK from the Connection Setup window. Is there a way to repair the save, or export sectors so that I won't have to start over on a couple projects? What files...
    16. X

      Better Block Rotation (Pitch Yaw Roll)

      Yep to this one!
    17. X

      Hull blocks as more than decoration

      I'm sure people have noticed that hull blocks are pretty useless except for making your ship look a certain way. If you are building for multiplayer, totally useless. I spent some time playing around with block modding, and came up with some ideas on how to make hull blocks into more than...
    18. X

      Starship Boosts

      Yeah I was thinking boosters would be a cool addition. There should be a boost engine type block that would consume one of the many resources in the game as a fuel. The more of them you add to your ship, the more boost speed, and higher your maximum speed would be, but each one would use up...
    19. X

      It started as an idea about landing gear.

      Yeah, I\'ve used the door blocks in interesting ways which is what gave me the idea. There shouldn\'t be a negative aspect since extra hull blocks add mass that comes with its own cost. There should probably be a warmup time based on the number of blocks being changed, so it takes longer to...
    20. X

      Star destroyer (not finish)

      Awesome ship, downloading cause I have to check it out in game!