Search results for query: Meta

    1. Nauvran

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      ...because they are difficult to get o look nice most of the time also holy fuck you're one toxic person Seriously fuck off with your "elite-meta-exploiting-pvper" bullshit it's extremely toxic behaviour and it should not be a thing, I get you get pissed that you always lose but maybe you...
    2. Tsnonak

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      Of course I would not expect any "elite-meta-exploiting-pvper" to understand any of this, but it is quite simple... It is a "Fair-Play" server, we would like to at least see a bare minimum-standard of "sportsmanship" on the server, which as it seems, people who build "crap" like this, have no...
    3. Az14el

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      ahh yes the old clearly defined "meta crap", where everyone can agree on what it is with but 2 words. Did someone unironically write that somewhere or was that img a joke that went over my head?
    4. Nauvran

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      "No meta-crap" right so now we're not allowed to build systems, wait fuck we cant even build because even with building there are more effective ways of doing it Schema might as well just put the game in the bin then
    5. OfficialCoding

      Should intentionally using exploits/cheats in multiplayer be a bannable offense? matter how you spin it. In pretty much any other game using these kinds of exploits would result in a swift ban hammer. Using these "Meta Tactics" that are really just cheats ruin the game for casuals and even competive players who don't want to use the cheaty meta. Now inb4 these toxic...
    6. MrGrey1

      Balancing with Mass is fundamentally flawed!

      So I've been doing some testing in regards to the meta pvp ship here and my above Mass and Power formulas. I only had one vertical ship at a <20k reactor, (the above pvp ship also having very close to <20k reactor.) My ship was covered in crystal and multiple layers of armour and significantly...
    7. FrostBird347

      Nothing downloading

      I am on Steam Here is the log I tried using the java launcher It seems to recognise the install: But after clicking start game it quits and nothing else opens
    8. Dr. Whammy

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      True. Any server admin who allows borderline-weaponized lag really isn't doing his/her job.
    9. Reilly Reese

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      ...missing of its point going on here. Its not about whether someone should do something and what admins should do about that. It's about pointing out existing issues that the game should be able to prevent and at least making a config that reduces the gap between a meta ship and a standard ship.
    10. Dr. Whammy

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      What's the point? Ok. Go play on a server where someone constantly pings ALL players into quadruple to quintuple digits and causes multiple server crashes for an hour, then maybe you'll see the point. Regarding "Size": While large structures do impact lag, a bigger contributor - the one we...
    11. Captain Fortius

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      ...what happens when there are no admins around. As for intentions in PVP go? I've also personally seen one of the more infamous "oh-so-hardcore meta pvp" filth keep ramming my station in the hopes he'd lag me out. (Apparently I was being unsportsmanlike, not dropping building the stuff I was...
    12. Az14el

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer. light and resolved for the game to be successful later. So really whats the point of all this nitpicking about how "inconsiderate" or "not ReEl MeTA" it is? It's petty at best, shady at worst. As always whenever this ridiculous discussion rears its head across the years here. Tiring lol
    13. Dr. Whammy

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      Intentional or not; anyone who's been playing this game for more than a few months should have a good idea of what causes sever lag. If you join a server and choose to build like this anyway, you're being inconsiderate to the rest of your server's players. This is why I no longer build/use my...
    14. Az14el

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      nobodies building specifically for lag lol okay probably not entirely true, but it's not the intention behind a "meta pvp build", the intention is combat ability, some of the methods in question cause the lag (methods revealed in the build in question, handy right?), just like a torpedo launcher...
    15. Az14el

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      ...noticeable half assed theory crafting ya know? I can promise you you're talking out of your ass right now, pretty much guaranteed 0 of these p2 meta ships are "perfect" and i bet latt got (almost) as lazy as i did building these things, But the entire point is that it's not damn hard to come...
    16. K

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      probably depends on who youre fighting. there were no pros back then and im pretty sure there arent really any now lol words have meaning. and everyones definitions for rules and fair are different. personally i find clipping multiple blocks into the same space cheaty, and yet i dont...
    17. Crashmaster

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      Sometimes you gotta duck under the point or it'll knock your argument over. Was angling all the stab planes together in a vertical ship changed? I thought that was reactor meta.
    18. Reilly Reese

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      That is literally why the ship exists. To show the current meta AND its problems, how this is capable of going over everyone's heads here is in itself incredible.
    19. Energywelder

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      Personally i'm sad i thought i was building to the meta but then some guy went and did the math on reactors.,h_673,c_limit/Screen-Shot-2013-11-14-at-3.33.02-PM.png
    20. Lord_Latterous

      How do you balance a cheater? With a ban hammer.

      ...last time i checked quickfire they fixed it, this is the WHOLE POINT OF QUICKFIRE- to stop game breaking exploits like this. and if i wanted a meta reactor i would make a cube shape ship, but you see, cubes are huge targets, it would be an easy target and more difficult to turn. and i guess...