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    1. 2

      Limit Plex Storage and Chain them togther like Plex doors

      I think you have a good idea, but there\'s a few things I would change. First of all, I wouldn\'t add a max item amount. It would only annoy a very select few people. Combing storage units would work well especially with a system for organization. This could also be implemented with gravity...
    2. 2

      A pause function.

      I believe I can help you with this. I used to have the same problem. You need a 3x3x3 empty area with the ship core in the bottom center of it. I\'ve been able to place a few blocks in the bottom and still be able to spawn correctly, but you are garaunteed to stay inside your ship if you follow...
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      A pause function.

      I believe I can help you with this. I used to have the same problem. You need a 3x3x3 empty area with the ship core in the bottom center of it. I\'ve been able to place a few blocks in the bottom and still be able to spawn correctly, but you are garaunteed to stay inside your ship if you follow...
    4. 2

      Small energy idea

      Don\'t see what could be wrong with this idea except maybe the coding part. I imagine there could be a menu for managing any docks that maybe connected to your ship. 4 energy options: power to turret, power to carrier, even powering, and close connection. You might be able to switch control from...
    5. 2

      mother ship idea

      How about we only allow one per faction. Once it reaches the required mass, it has the abilities of a station, and say 1.5 times the thrust power, just so it doesn\'t need so many thrusters for being such a massive ship.
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      Beam me up! (Transporters)

      Sounds like a great and really fun idea. Because, it\'s something you\'d only do occasionally (and if you do it multiple times, it would be in a short time for multiple people) it should cost tons of energy, possibly more than the default storage, so you will have to invest in energy storage...
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      Big Ship vs Small Ship - PROBLEM SOLVED

      Don\'t get me wrong. Massive ships still need to be better, but a tiny little badass ship shouldn\'t be out of the question. I\'d love a nasty little fighter just as long as an op fighter was expensive as a massive ship because I its expensive parts. Maybe make it a Rock Paper Scissors thing...
    8. 2

      Turn Speeds

      Maybe if we turn engines sideways they give us a turning boost.
    9. 2

      Turn Speeds

      Maybe if we turn engines sideways they give us a turning boost.
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      Super Flat Block

      How about we call them decals? They\'d be weightless and be skinned on the other blocks. It would be a nice way to make your ship look really cool. However in build mode you can\'t place them or see them just so you don\'t get confused what block is which. They would only be for aesthetic...
    11. 2

      soft jamming

      How about the marker for the ship is located in the center of the ships occupied dimensions. This would make the core easy to hide. But I like the idea of different levels of jamming. Could be implemented well.
    12. 2

      Size Specific Ship Systems

      Actual classifications? Hmm hadn\'t thought about that. I thought that these new subsets of parts would be recommendations for how many you would use. The thing is I hate it when a game says \"oh sorry, your ship is class 5! You aren\'t allowed to use a cloaker!\" I feel it would be better if...
    13. 2

      Size Specific Ship Systems

      But if one starts high and grows slowly, while the other starts low but grows quickly, wouldn\'t it lead to a strange possibility of small ships and large ships both having the same stats at some point? Exactly! The point is with a small amount of parts you get more efficiency with the small...
    14. 2

      Size Specific Ship Systems

      Edit: Ok, I did some research. Apperantly each ship part has a different way to calculate power. I honestly think this is bad because it means that engines and generators are more powerful by being super long lines, AMC\'s are more effective as a bunch of singular mini shots, and salvage cannons...
    15. 2

      Size Specific Ship Systems

      Right now there is only one type of engine, shield, salvager, generator. Each of these has a base power and gains bonus power exponentially for being in a group. This is good for medium sized ships, but i think we should make multiple parts for different sized ships. Small ships parts: These...
    16. 2

      pirates to hard

      Hey, I think i have a good idea for this. At the beginning of the game you spawn near the center (0,0,0). Near the center pirates should be easy, like the isanth IV ships or worse. As you go out the pirates should get new ships and become harder. Ofcourse because your farther out there will be...