Beam me up! (Transporters)

    Jul 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen

    First of all, I have to say that I absolutely love this game! It gives me that buttered toast feeling inside. Anyways, I have a suggestion that I've seen here before, but it was rather undeveloped. I would like the addition of a transporter block, that can be placed on a ship, and when coupled with a transporter computer, allows beaming to planets/asteroids/stations etc. I guess you would be able to set the computer in the Weapons menu bar, point, and click in the direction of, say, a nearby planet, and boom! You're on the surface of said planet, roughly where you aimed. Then, upon pressing a special key, you are (after some small amount of time) transported back on/near the transporter block(s). Additionally, there would be a grouping effect for the transporter blocks, allowing you to beam to targets further away, or perhaps allowing more astronauts to be 'anchored' to the ship's transporter computer at any one time (for deploying more than one explorer).
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    sounds good, and would be even more useful once players boarding ships become a feasible alternative with the possible inclusion of personal weapons.
    Jul 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I love this for boarding other ships. That would make combat fantastic.

    But one my favorite parts of this game is undocking a little shuttle from my ship, and slowly descending to the surface of some beautiful world. And leaving is just as fun.

    I just feel as if his might take something out of the game, though if carefully implemented, it could be great.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Dunno, in startrek people used transporter beams but they still at times took a shuttle down into the planet, I suppose some sort of \'teleporter node\' can be used to beam down to visited planets or board an enemy/friendly ship?
    Jul 23, 2013
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    Sorry about the necro post. In Star Trek the reason the occasional shuttle is used is for security more or less. Some people don\'t trust a transporter. Other reasons might include interference from the planet/surrounding space, the need for more space(one can only beam so much up at a time, some times a shuttle is more efficient). The \"teleporter node\" is a good idea, as at some point in the future, if beaming is implimented, planets could be generated with a block that causes \"interference\" in which a shuttle could be taken down to put the beacon down after which beaming will be possible.
    Aug 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    How cool would a transporter be.

    A \"transporter block\". You press R on it, it oipens up basically the NAV menu, you click an object, and beam it onto your essentially, docking enhancer type of box, except its called a transport enhancer or platform (whatever). Same principle.

    Some nice star trek sound effect. dotty stuff on both ends. Love it.

    Cool possibilities, picking up passengers while going 100km/h sweet. Or stealing them. Great fun. THey can defend themselves by having a \"Transporter inhibitor\" in their inventory. Sort of like a laser pistol, it just stays in inventory, in that case you get a message \"XYZ is trying to beam you to their ship - Accept Y/N. Maybe just an out of the way message you press 1 or 2 to say yes or no. Auto disapears in 10 seconds.

    Also upon transporting someone in, they are immediately effected by your gravity so they stay around so to speak if you are moving. Transport anything your \"transport box\" (docking box type of thing) can fit. Ships, turrets, people etc. Whatever the nav lets you target... besides asteroids and planets and stations I guess.

    And (assuming you can just \"build regular joe blocks\" inside your transporter box (without a ship core), would be great if you could transport 3x3x3 cube of disintegrators into your enemies unshielded ship - but ONLY if they are out of your faction and have less than 10% shields. So like in star trek, you gotta bash down the shields to be able to transport people out of it (aka anyone in its gravity), or transport people inside to its ship core

    Needs some more thought but Great feature
    Jul 5, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Sounds like a great and really fun idea. Because, it\'s something you\'d only do occasionally (and if you do it multiple times, it would be in a short time for multiple people) it should cost tons of energy, possibly more than the default storage, so you will have to invest in energy storage units. This would be great, because the energy storage units are not often used.
    Sep 17, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    personally id like to see them as a point a to point b sort of thing controlled by linking 2 teleporter blocks with a distance more in line with just making moving around a ship/station easier. then maybe have a signal amplifier block that can be grouped with each teleporter block to increase the range to perhaps give the ability to go from planet to orbital station.