Dr. Whammy
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    • The Universe update approaches... :oops:

      Time to go refit the Axis fleet again.
      All I want for Christmas is Uuuuuniverse, right? :D
      I noticed the "0.300" game versions appearing in the pre-build branch, but can't launch either of them. I get "Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile"

      I follow starmade development only here and in the game launcher, so I'm clueless as to what's going on. Sure would be nice to get something new from Schine, but aren't these prebuilds player-made?
      Dr. Whammy
      Dr. Whammy
      From what I've been told; the new pre-builds are mostly player made but it seemed to be Schema himself who announced it on the StarMade Discord channel.

      There's an updated launcher available on their Discord that is required to test out the new features (your existing launcher won't work) I'll send you a link when I get home if you haven't grabbed it already.
      It's been a while.

      Even as I branch out to other games and follow new life pursuits, I always come back here to lurk from time to time.

      I figured I'd stop by and say hello to those who still visit this forum. Thank you all for over a decade of adventures, inspiration, laughs and all around good times.

      Until we meet again among the stars... o7
      Looks like current events have brought out people's true colors, from top to bottom (some for the better and some for worse) and "survival mode" is now a reality that can't be ignored.

      Think you can win this game? Time to find out what you're made of.

      Everyone stay safe, keep your wits about you and wash your damn hands. 😎
      I'm... Building... a NEUTRON STAR!!!
      • Like
      Reactions: DeepspaceMechanic
      Hell yeah! ...Maybe make it a PULSAR?
      Knowing your work, I'm sure you could find the perfect way to pull that off too.
      Whoa!, that's crazy, Just waiting to know how it ends up.
      It will be awesome, that's for sure.
      Note: Remember to make it spin fast, Ok? That’s what neutron stars do, spin, SPIN!!!! Ehem... sorry.
      Hope things are going well for you. What game(s) have you switched to, while taking a break from Starmade?
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      Reactions: Dr. Whammy
      Dr. Whammy
      Dr. Whammy
      Thanks for thinking of me. For the most part, I'm doing well. Lately, I've been playing a lot of Warframe in between builds. Now that I finally have the Quickfire build running, I can try out some of the new dev goodies. Now I get to gut and rebuild everything I've ever made. ...again ...for the 3rd time. Yaaaaay!!! 😆

      How about you? What adventures have you been getting into?
      Working on a new low-lag artificial planet. The hallmark of the true 'world builder'...
      • Like
      Reactions: Ryuusei and Gasboy
      That's better. :P
      I'll have to look at this. Artificial Planet has such a "Star Trek Beyond" vibe to it.
      Dr. Whammy
      Dr. Whammy
      [Intercepted low-security transmission... Source; United Star Axis] Planetary surface "colonization" at 60%. Orbit system functioning as expected. Construction of the orbital space ring will commence in one week... [End Transmission...]
      Never before have I needed something so much but not known until I received it... Life IS good... :)
      Do you have a download link for the ship you linked in micromade server thread? I think it looks badass :)
      Dr. Whammy
      Dr. Whammy
      Sorry but there's no link. All my stuff is currently being reworked for the new update. PM me if you need more info.
      I was at work all day... Got to watch FIVE whole minutes of the dev stream... TOTALLY worth it.
      Dr. Whammy
      Dr. Whammy
      Oh I don't feel bad at all. I have no problem "waiting to open my presents". That sucks about the pulse. Oh well... Regarding uninhabitable spaces... That's where I do my best work ;) Thanks for the heads up.
      Unhabitable in the sense of sparse ressources, not in the sense of more danger. ;) Oh an maybe some nebulae that lower your ships stats, and maybe some items that can be found in the new universe that upgrade your chamber stats. And gas planets that might be mined. I write that down here so i dont forget it.
      Dr. Whammy
      Dr. Whammy
      Meanwhile, in the darkest corners of the galaxy, Dr. Whammy builds a Dyson Sphere around a neutron star...
      Totally psyched for this power update... All Star Axis ships are scheduled for a refit or complete rebuild; pending the update release.
      My system is finally operational. ...and I didn't even pull out all my hair. Now to test it for 2-3 months to make sure it's stable.
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