Community build contest: VIP shuttle/ small yacht

    colonel lacu

    Gray, Red and black.
    Aug 1, 2015
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    Hello. There has been a some talk on the Starmade discord that someone could host another community contest, and I though I might volunteer to make one.
    I will choose the winner at the end, since that has been the precedent established by previous contests.

    Theme of the contest: VIP shuttles & yachts!
    Build a shuttle with enough interior to comfortably accommodate a VIP, their staff or other entourage + possible crew of the ship.

    Time limit: 28th of February 2025.

    Higher score for:
    - Luxury & opulence of the interior (fancy furniture, lounges, separate toilets for crew and VIP, kitchen, or maybe even a ballroom if extra fancy, etc)
    - ease of use (boarding ramps & landing gear, easily navigated room layout, USD compatibility, possible elevators)
    - security (shields, blast doors maybe, rooms for bodyguards perhaps, Maybe an escape pod?)
    - windows
    - the number of people it can transport
    - Smaller the ship, the better. the dimensions of the submissions must not exceed 100 blocks in any direction.
    -extra points for originality and interesting designs.

    The ships can have armament but its not required. More interior is generally better.
    The ships must be able to accommodate their crew plus at least one quest
    The ships must be flyable and not exceed 100 blocks in any direction and be posted on this thread before 2025
    You're allowed to submit as many a ships as you want, but preferably one or two good ones.
    Please upload your ship on the community content page and a link to that upload here. 1731971422208.png
    Happy building!
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    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    My entry, the Royce class yacht manufactured by the Atlas corporation. It may look like a brick at first glance but real wealth doesn't need to raise its voice to send a message.


    Please note that this is more of a short range party boat than a living on it kind of yacht, also this entry depends heavily on logic built into the ship for its overall impresiveness so please take a thorough look around and be sure to take a look at the outside after interacting with the chromatic™ hull plating terminal.

    colonel lacu

    Gray, Red and black.
    Aug 1, 2015
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    finished my yacht, though i'll post it anyway even though it can't win 😅
    Mar 10, 2016
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    Download page: Gold Vein Yacht

    Thought I would skip this one and wait for a contest of anything other than yacht, but then found the inspiration for this :)

    Initially, I hated the fact that I just can't deviate from my usual way of building (it's nothing like what I envisioned, wanted it to be sleek and slender), but I guess it turned out good.

    If not for the glass-roofed terrace thing on the nose, and the little boat-like escape craft at the back, it would hardly resemble a yacht, but the interior is indeed luxurious and party-focused. Be sure to check out the randomized dance floor lights! :D

    Looking forward to the next contest. Even if they won't have detailed reviews or anything, just keep doing these. They're great motivation, and it's nice to see what others create (y)

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    Dec 20, 2014
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    Yikes, navigating how to play this game again has been quite the time sink. It's far from perfect or even in an ideal state, but it's done enough and I don't really have the time to invest in making it better, then again it only took me a quick 13 years to post a single ship to the dock so I guess with that track record it wouldn't take me all that long to polish it, maybe only another century to get around to it, a perfectly reasonable amount of time 💀

    Black Diamond - Luxury Yacht

    Black Diamond.png
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    Apr 30, 2014
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    It's unfinished as of time of posting...but I was pressured by a friend into posting it so here it is...the UGC Harrison-Class Envoy.

    Maybe I can sneak in an update before anyone notices...

    (Note: It is technically "complete", featuring systems and finished hull. I just don't have chambers or an inside right now)
    Last edited:
    Nov 17, 2013
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    I'm not sure what timezone this was intended to close at, but I've got a submission coming that will be in before the end of the day in my time zone!
    Oct 23, 2013
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    Naboo Royal Starship
    Sure I'm late, the ship's too long, and it's not even original... But how could I could I resist the original post's bait! Especially when most people opted for the Yacht over the VIP Shuttle...
    Anyway, I only participate in these because they're the push I need, so without further ado, I present Queen Amidala's Ship:

    (I'm out of town currently so hopefully what little I prepared in advance works!)

    When I'm back I can add more pictures, stats, and a small update so the System Clock is more reliable.
    I may do a video walking through the other ships when I'm back as well. (I'll at least make a special edition scale chart.)

    colonel lacu

    Gray, Red and black.
    Aug 1, 2015
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    Time's up. I'll give ComCardinal one hour, but any submissions after one hour won't have a chance to win.
    I'm very impressed by the submissions so far, I might even make video reviews of them like many competitions have promised.
    I'm not promising that yet. I'll see if I've enough time. I'll be posting them here if I do end up making them.