Will this game stay PVP?

    Predictions on how StarMade will play in the future

    • StarMade will end up more similar to a space trading and combat sim

      Votes: 9 26.5%
    • StarMade will end up more similar to a Minecraft factions server

      Votes: 2 5.9%
    • OP will be burned at the stake for inquiring on such heretical subjects

      Votes: 23 67.6%

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    Custom titles... neat
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Community wise, will this game become more like a space sim where mining, trading, exploration and other peaceful interactions actually happen and are meaningful or will the game end up more akin to a minecraft faction server where PVP and complete domination is the major objective?
    Apr 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
    Community wise, will this game become more like a space sim where mining, trading, exploration and other peaceful interactions actually happen and are meaningful or will the game end up more akin to a minecraft faction server where PVP and complete domination is the major objective?
    Just going to generalize a few things most forum people will say.

    "This is building game at its heart, there is little to do beside build"
    "More PvE content is being heavily planned by this guy Bench "
    "PvP is a core part of this games online multiplayer and future "
    "People want PvP but it never actually happens"
    "This is a sandbox game that is missing many of its elements"

    Of these I would agree with the last one and the third one.
    IE This is a sandbox game where it seems like the developers want to give us a huge open world that is both alive and reactive to the players within. From this world player can make their own story whether it be PvP, exploration, research, industry, trade, and much more it will be the players choice.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    server side config settings can heavily change the flow of the game, i feel like with the current servers pvp is only really going to happen in short bursts (like over new years to February this year), obviously because A) Holidays, but also B) there is little actual need to keep up regular presence on popular servers these days to stay redundantly strong. I have 12b on genx, which is nothing compared to some other banks there, and from that alone I have no more need to mine ever, and the only item i did actually mine hard for was computers to sell, almost all my blocks have been spawned in with credits then unbuilt into storage, any projects I can simply fill out BPs or buy on credit weekends.

    As much as i like it as a playground for factions to come screw with each-other when they have the time & organisation, I think it needs the reigns pulled back a little to be a viable pvp server (this is coming from a player who considers it their main multiplayer server for when I do log on regularly). And not in the way of block limits like they've been relying on, i think they absolutely have the hardware for the ship sizes, that we can ram 2m+ block ships into each-others faces on a good day and not have it immediately turn into a bad day is evidence enough of that for me, but I don't think they have the hardware for the sheer amount of income every single one of its players has such easy access to. So I'm also not saying bring it crashing all the way down to default levels like recent calls have been made for either.

    This could be pointed at a number of huge populated servers right now, not just GenX or its immediate rivals.
    EI gave us a taste of something new that for a moment, was pretty damn fun as far as PvP went, the pressure was on but not so much in a bad way (also still a little on the "arcadey" side I think, there were several factions with 4m+ block ships within the first fortnight, under relatively low server population, and somehow I had 2.4 million mass of materials from casual play by the time it ended, there were absolutely huge issues waiting to occur.), but too much screwing around with multiple .xml configs & too much effort towards towards advertising the server caused both bugs & community backlash, and now its gone. wah.
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    bottom text
    Sep 6, 2013
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    Interesting question.

    I heavily doubt the game will go deep on that road, like the others said, PvP is a wish, which is hardly delivered by the game.
    Those activities you mentioned I see someone seeking them on a game like Elite: Dangerous, not on Starmade. But that's just me.


    Custom titles... neat
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Thanks for all the good responses, too bad the majority of the votes are on the third option.
    I'm not sure if it's because it is humorous or if I should seriously consider buying a lot of gasoline.
    Feb 22, 2015
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    I voted 3rd because it was the most non-commital. (and because I expected more flame posting in this thread :rolleyes: )
    PvP will, and should, depend on the server. Some servers will be heavy PvP, others will have hardly any at all. The point of the game is to leave the choice open to the players and to the server admins.

    Personally, I avoid any and all PvP. It's not my thing. But I am quite willing to fund and support another faction to provide protection for my trade ships. We just need trade to be an actual thing.
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    Wizard/Developer/Project Manager
    May 11, 2015
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    When it comes to pvp right now, I'm not sure in vanilla I could recover well from a loss. Which is my main concern.

    There is also no clear path from single person to massive faction for players either. Too much of the game is missing.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    I chose the third option because it was guaranteed to get a good, funny response from the OP.

    However, I think that based on the plans the game will become home to a huge variety of interactions. PvP will stay central, I'd think, because internet people love to argue and start fights.
    Nov 30, 2015
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    Thanks for all the good responses, too bad the majority of the votes are on the third option.
    I'm not sure if it's because it is humorous or if I should seriously consider buying a lot of gasoline.
    You should consider making the ability to chose all three. I would have done that because I think starmade will have a bit of both of those. Hopefully it will have the better parts of factions, but factions in such an openworld sandbox multiplayer game are very important. I also think that there will be some other things as well. "Combat sim" and "minecraft factions" seem quite eimilar actually, I assume by the top post you mean the more economic/trading and rp parts of the game.

    I want both. Right now I cannot lean to much towrds either so I havent voted.


    Custom titles... neat
    Jun 24, 2013
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    You should consider making the ability to chose all three. I would have done that because I think starmade will have a bit of both of those. Hopefully it will have the better parts of factions, but factions in such an openworld sandbox multiplayer game are very important. I also think that there will be some other things as well. "Combat sim" and "minecraft factions" seem quite eimilar actually, I assume by the top post you mean the more economic/trading and rp parts of the game.

    I want both. Right now I cannot lean to much towrds either so I havent voted.

    "Space trading and combat sim" refers to the single genre of game.
    Jun 1, 2015
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    I made a post some time ago giving some ideas and asking input on how to combine building with pvp .. but only a hand full ware interested
    Jul 31, 2013
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    Community wise, will this game become more like a space sim where mining, trading, exploration and other peaceful interactions actually happen and are meaningful or will the game end up more akin to a minecraft faction server where PVP and complete domination is the major objective?
    It also highly depends on what server you play on. Some (very few) already have more peaceful interaction than non, others are straight "MC Faction" servers ported to starmade.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    From what I know, PvP will always be apart of this game. The expected changes are more PvE content and actual rewards and reasons to PvP.
    Jan 19, 2015
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    PvP will come around once players have a reason to capture other systems for stuff other than mining bonus