Recent content by TangentialThreat

    1. T

      Fly Through A Planet?

      I know I have enough firepower on a ship when I can do this.
    2. T

      Big Ships are Terrible now...

      Many of the \"capital\" ships I see turn out to be just prett hollow shells with hardly anything in them. If your star destroyer has a 1:5 thrust to mass ratio then you\'ll be outmaneuvered and destroyed. Please please take the time to build actual ships and learn the game mechanics.
    3. T

      Power Generation - Cracking the code

      You really, really want enough power regen to run the thrusters constantly. A very massive ship that doesn\'t have any power past 1.2 million is going to be kind of slow. A reasonable compromise is to have enough power to accelerate or shoot but not both at the same time, and after that you...
    4. T

      Onboard Artillery/Alien Life/Derelict Ships/Transporters/Warp Drives/Thrusters

      AMC travels slowly. Railguns move fast. Little ships have short shield recharge times and are harder to keep in your crosshairs so you would still need to engage them with AMC and you\'d probably keep AMC turrets. Big ships would fight eachother with futuristic artillery.
    5. T

      Onboard Artillery/Alien Life/Derelict Ships/Transporters/Warp Drives/Thrusters

      There should be some sort of slow-firing \"big gun\" that scales in such a way that it only makes sense on big ships. This would massively improve battlefield FPS because capital ships wouldn\'t put out thousands of AMC rounds and would instead fire a couple of giant cannon shells. You can turn...
    6. T

      Missiles heat seek ed my planet, destroyed other ship!

      KBs are malicious little imps. In the future they should respect faction signatures.
    7. T

      New Factories? Really?... Really?

      The old factory system somehow \"made sense\" to you with all those totally intuitive recipes? Enjoy... going from shop to shop... for hours? Bwahahaha. You won\'t miss the old system for long.
    8. T

      Some questions (I'm new)

      PVP servers with whitelists and active staff are okay. PVP servers without them are shit because trolls and noobs will crash into planets or spawn dozens of zero-price replica Battlestar Galacticas or something else dumb.
    9. T

      Individual Shield "Cores"?

      I can confirm that shield blocks are the only major ship component that absolutely doesn\'t care what they are next to.
    10. T

      What're You working on? [Closed]

      This is the Maximum Freedom. It is a dreadnaught skyscraper. It is not done. Current mass: 26,000 Thrust: 57,000 Shields: 1.51 million (22,000 s/sec) Power: 1.64 million e/sec Estimated DPS: 560,000. Secondary armament: 12 heavy KB missiles. Office...
    11. T

      What're You working on? [Closed]

      Is it too soon to post a mostly-complete 1:1 WTC North Tower? As in, a ship shaped like the World Trade Center but spaceborne and intended for heavy fleet combat. It has detailed conference rooms and office cubicles and deals about 560k LPS (liberties per second) while 3/4 finished. Yes, I know...
    12. T

      Anybody kill a capital in a fighter yet?

      A way to turn AIs on and off and a way to make fighters try to return to base would make those features feel more complete. Right now you\'d have to find the survivors, dock them manually, and reset the AIs. Also, *never* build a carrier, set the faction module on the main ship, and log out...
    13. T

      Anybody kill a capital in a fighter yet?

      So it can be done, even if it takes tactics that sound like they came from a space anime (you stole a turret?). Swarms of Bobby fighters sound like a good way to keep the enemy distracted. My next build may be a carrier.
    14. T

      Star Made Multiplayer Faction Combat tactics

      Maybe if you got a couple of professional military strategists to play Starmade on a supercomputer you\'d get somewhere, but right now there are no tactics. The lag is just too much and survivability is too low. I would recommend bravely charging forward all at once (charge just slightly behind...
    15. T

      Max-Reactor (Continuation of Project-Hangman)

      Reactors are just odd above a million. I\'m at 1.6 million e/sec and if I place a power block most places, I get exactly 100 extra power instead of 25 even if it is not connected to anything. If I place one directly above, below, or to either side of the centerline of my ship (which happens to...