Individual Shield "Cores"?

    Jun 22, 2013
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    So I'm in the process of creating a somewhat large ship and I'm wondering if shield blocks should be grouped into smaller cores, similar to power reactors. Currently I have shield blocks layered over my power systems and other blocks, just underneath the hull, to serve as extra padding. Would it be more efficient/beneficial to have small groups of shield blocks, or is what I'm doing fine?
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    in my experience there\'s no gains to be had for doing other than just spamming every open spot with a shield module. :P

    there doesnot seem to be any difference between 100 single blocks and a 100 linked. :D
    Jun 28, 2013
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    I can confirm that shield blocks are the only major ship component that absolutely doesn\'t care what they are next to.
    Jul 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    As of now, the shield blocks do not change their output in anyway based on their layout. I usually just fill in any spaces in weapon systems and power arrays with shields, and put more in whatever space I can find. This game is in Alpha though, so that could change with any update, so just a caution if you\'re building a big ship. Just came from a thread where so many people were raging at the fact that capitals and other large ships are pretty useless now because of the recent shielding changes haha.
    Jul 21, 2013
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    My cousin built himself a replica of one of the Asgard ships from Stargate SG-1. He\'s put some 3300 shield blocks on it, some in a diagonal single-block pattern (like a one-layered X) and some are grouped in smaller groups. His shield capacity is about 115k, and his regen is over 7k per sec. I had nowhere near that much regen when I had about the same shield amount, and I had all my shield blocks grouped, no single blocks in any diagonal X-pattern like he\'s got. Apparently, there seems to be some mechanic that does care how shields are placed together.

    At over 200k shield capacity (about 4400 blocks), I had about 5500 regen per sec. This is puzzling my mind, I do not understand how he\'s gained so much regen. That\'s for sure a beneficial thing to go for, this means you can potentially have a very high shield regen paired with a high shield amount on capitals. I am in the process of discovering how he\'s done this.

    (All numbers are rounded up or down to the nearest round number)

    Edit: No matter how I place my shield blocks and in whatever shape or manner, it does not seem like I can reproduce what he did, at any scale. This puzzles me.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Well it would be nice if you could get hard data... All numbers are listed in build mode so it should only take a few seconds.

    Shield capacity
    Jul 21, 2013
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    You could always group shield blocks into \'plates\', WITH a ship core and power supply, and mount them on docking or turret plates on the outside of your ship. This has the advantage of allowing you to alter your positioning on nearly-exhausted plates to bring fresh plates to bear against enemy fire, makes an easily-repaired damage sponge, and takes advantage of the higher regen rates of small ship while also giving you a decent protection layer while maintaining ship maneuverability.

    I have used this method (which has previously been suggested by others as well) to build several ships, all of which have been more combat-capable than their actual size would dictate. It also brings fresh tactics and building options into play, such as rotating ships to constantly bring fresh plates as well as fresh missile turrets into play, cancelling out some of the missile array\'s long recharge while taking advantage of it\'s superior handling characteristics versus large ships; mounting large, disposable \'ramming plates\' onto a ship to absorb some of the initial punishment while closing into broadsides position... making broadside volleys an actual legitimate tactic; and even creating \'hazard fields\' to punish or restrict capital ships that make long sweeping forward runs with big primary weapons and again, make broadsides attacks useful.

    People get so ANGRY when they are chasing you, pounding away on that big bottom , only to have the newly-breached unit fall away to leave a completely undamaged and fresh ship\'s shield as a navigation hazard that stops them in their tracks... as well as the dozen or so mines you had hidden around the curve of that shield trashing their beloved primary as they try to maneuver their way around the sudden navigation hazard. And then you come back.