Recent content by SuperWookie

    1. SuperWookie

      The Leviathan - UNSC Marathon Class Heavy Cruiser

      The memes are real
    2. SuperWookie

      The Leviathan - UNSC Marathon Class Heavy Cruiser

      Just looked at this thread again after forever and I feel like I want to continue this. My current dilemma is I just moved from Australia to the USA so I don't have a PC atm, however once I've saved up enough money I'll buy one and see about getting the file off of my mate and continuing this...
    3. SuperWookie

      The Leviathan - UNSC Marathon Class Heavy Cruiser

      Hey guys, I got bored with Starmade a long time ago and thus stopped playing. I would release the BP for Leviathan but I no longer have it, my friend Rabid has the last file. Sorry to disappoint!
    4. SuperWookie

      Working on a Charon Class frigate.

      Just be aware you'll have some cleaning up to do before you can start detailing with a smedit model. Heres a useful tutorial my friend made for it:
    5. SuperWookie

      Server Review Of My Experience On A Servers "Shatteried Skies"

      I'm having PTSD guys pls stop
    6. SuperWookie

      Craft AU Starmade Revamp

      We've reset the server to a fresh new world to clean up and increase performance, as well as update/add custom stations. Everybody is now on equal footing so this is the perfect time for new players to join :D
    7. SuperWookie

      Read by Council Yhole Effects

      Heck while we're at it then I'm gonna rename myself to Heisenberg and start selling ice to noobs
    8. SuperWookie

      Read by Council Yhole Effects

      You... you want drugs... in Starmade...? I have lost all hope.
    9. SuperWookie

      Largest ship/project

      My in progress UNSC Marathon Class Heavy Cruiser - the Leviathan. Length: 1152m Width: 283m Height: 363m This is an oldish pic, there's a bit more on it now. Still lots of work to do.
    10. SuperWookie

      Mikeland StarMade shutting down

      Ty for the recommendation :)
    11. SuperWookie

      Read by Council Survival Needs

      If tedious things such as food and fuel are going to be added, make them an optional server config setting. Game mechanics that the community is very 50/50 about should not be forced on all players. In a way it would be good for diversifying servers, so as long as its not compulsory I wouldn't...
    12. SuperWookie

      I know its Alpha but...

      Just if you didn't know, the fix for this is to shrink the chat box as far as it goes and pull it back open. This is just a temporary solution, it still needs to be fixed properly cause its god damned annoying.
    13. SuperWookie

      Recognized Fuel mechanic proposal

      keptick Seeing as you're on the council and 'recognizing' your own suggestion, I'm going to assume there's a good chance of this actually happening. Therefore, my recommendation if this does go through is to make it an optional setting in the config for servers.
    14. SuperWookie

      Quick question.....

      If you ask your admin nicely maybe he'll give it to you. I know we give out our config if people ask for it.
    15. SuperWookie

      The Leviathan - UNSC Marathon Class Heavy Cruiser

      ODST Drop Pods ready for service aboard the Leviathan! ODST Drop Pod