Recent content by Stakhanov

    1. Stakhanov

      Interdiction - No escape!

      Eve's system works quite well , with competing interdiction ships and warp drive stabilizers. It could be applied to Starmade. Just give ships a "jump drive strength" rating based on the number of jump drive blocks relative to mass , that would require a superior "interdiction strength" rating...
    2. Stakhanov

      grinders/flame torches? awesome! wait a minute... or rather 30

      That's only necessary if you like to leave your ship unmanned and undocked. Pulses can be manually activated whenever the intrusion warning pops up.
    3. Stakhanov

      grinders/flame torches? awesome! wait a minute... or rather 30

      Actually , the main balance consideration is how large pulse arrays are needed to kill boarders reliably. If you can kill them with a negligible fraction of your ship mass in pulse blocks , then the boarding mechanic may as well not be there. Because the core is the main target for boarding ...
    4. Stakhanov


      So this is what arguments devolve into. Should vs shouldn't. Not much left to discuss , then.
    5. Stakhanov


      The new HP system worsens gigantism. If you face a ship x% bigger than you , core drilling (after shields go down) would only take x% longer than a ship your size (assuming cubic ships , many people build theirs flat) but now that you have to destroy half of its modules , it'll take (x^3)%...
    6. Stakhanov


      This is a misconception I have disproved long ago , as long as ships can match each other's speed they will always be able to face each other , no matter how slowly : Strafing really doesn't help when chasing or...
    7. Stakhanov


      This is the kind of flawed thinking that prevents any progress in game balance. The number of active players in a faction cannot be expected to scale with the size of ships they'd have to kill , if they were to use small ships. Small ships have no shield regeneration and so even a large group...
    8. Stakhanov


      Lag is mostly a symptom that people go for the biggest because it's best. People overthink this issue , there are 2 very simple options to encourage players to fly small and medium mass ships : 1) Get rid of effective invulnerability from shield regen in combat , so that several small ships...
    9. Stakhanov

      Brainstorm This New Power Block

      I like the concept , but these should both be linked to 2 blocks and take as much volume as possible to perform better than standard power blocks. Big rings of reactors that destroy a bigger ring when hit. I prefer the concept of solar pannels however. Blocks on the outside of your ship that...
    10. Stakhanov

      Valiant's Excessive and Insane Power Rework Ideas

      Another problem with those suggestions is their complexity , once you start adding extra balancing mechanics and workarounds for exploits. Simplicity can determine wether a suggestion has any hope of being implemented. I don't see the point of balancing ships based on power rather than mass...
    11. Stakhanov

      Valiant's Excessive and Insane Power Rework Ideas

      That poll is invalid as it doesn't give any option to downvote individual bad ideas (or all of them) and so should be ignored. Fuel has been discussed before , the consensus was that it would add nothing of value to the game. As for non-essential performance boosting consumables , there's still...
    12. Stakhanov

      Invulnerability and Base Raiding

      This is in great part due to Starmade being stuck in limbo , design wise. It is mostly a ship-building simulation that draws casual or uncompetitive creative players , but has a few competitive features tacked on to give the more belligerent factions things to do. Both use the same mechanics to...
    13. Stakhanov

      Fauna UpDate What do You think?

      I hope their loot drops will be sought after. That way , hunting poachers to safeguard species would be a nice roleplay excuse to pick fights.
    14. Stakhanov

      Modernized Skid Racing

      A fun tradition , but I'm concerned about the size of the tracks and how far planet gravity extends - it takes a flick up to throw your vehicle out of it , and fly off the track. It would take lots of checkpoints to counter that.
    15. Stakhanov

      Player skull blocks

      This could be quite simple to add. Have a skull block dropped when an astronaut or ship pilot dies , to be collected by his killer. They could adorn said killer's ship , lending credibility to spooky ship designs.