Recent content by Riftmaster

    1. R

      Vecordean Fleetworks

      a baby-shaped ship and name it rain. Edit: Wait, mission accomplished.
    2. R

      The Future Of StarMade: The need for more creative agency.

      This sounds like a great overall goal - multiple options for each requirement.
    3. R

      Plex storage and its importance in the economy.

      This post and the previous one... I come to the conclusion that you can perform necromancy if you\'re hopped up on ritalin
    4. R

      more info on the "missing chunks" error and possibly a solution, with replicated results on multiple

      It kinda looks like a chunk is missing from that planet....
    5. R

      more info on the "missing chunks" error and possibly a solution, with replicated results on multiple

      I have not been building lately, and perhaps I will not until this glitch is worked out....I don\'t wanna lose parts of some of my WIP ships and such.
    6. R

      Offset salvage beam

      All the beams come out of the same location? Have you tried manually designating the output blocks? I know you shouldn\'t need to, like you would with a 4x4x10 beam (For example), but... Come to think of it, all the salvage ships I\'ve built either had the beam output points level with or...
    7. R

      Build Blocks, They Be OP

      Make it so the only way to spawn a build block is if you want to build a station - instead of the gray hull block or whatever that currently spawns. That way, you could no longer place the build block on something, but would instead have to spawn it, creating a station core. Basically, make it...
    8. R

      Bobby AI shouldn't deactivate

      IMO, the bobby AI should work thus: Build/spawn ship/turret with AI Enter ship core Configure AI unit via the weapons menu, or some equivalent. Leave core, which activates AI Re-entering the core (or remotely viewing the turret view from the main ship core, as mentioned in OP)...
    9. R

      Combat Space Suit

      ...some sort of \"servo motors\", or \"hydraulic cylinders\". I could see an insane number of uses for such things. Like, for example, making a mech that actually walked/moved its arms. But that is just a wish...
    10. R

      Chain Docking

      ...chain docking would be nice. For example, if it allowed you to construct a ship that consisted of a core, with \"hull plates\" docked, so that each side of the ship had a seperate shield pool - and you could dock ships and/or turrets to the \"hull plates\".
    11. R

      Turret Firing Arcs (New mechanic)

      Somehow, turret firing arcs were determined by where they were placed. For example, if you placed a turret on a platform extending from the side of the hull, it might have 180+ degrees of horizontal arc, and the normal vertical arc. But if you placed it inside a recessed bay, it might only...
    12. R

      Big Ship vs Small Ship - PROBLEM SOLVED

      I think thrust efficency should increase slightly as the block numbers increase - since, I think, making an efficent propulsion system might be easier at larger sizes...could be wrong. Not much though...perhaps 0.1% per 1000 blocks or something.
    13. R

      A suggestion for mass undocking

      This, among other things involving automation, would fit well with the ideas about a \"computer block\" that you can load various programs into.
    14. R

      Big Ship vs Small Ship - PROBLEM SOLVED

      A fighter SHOULD be able to take down a titan.... But only if said fighter has lots of friends helping. A single fighter? HELL no. On another note, I was under the impression that the death star had been (I think, according to the dialog in the film) designed to repel attacks from large...
    15. R

      Big Ship vs Small Ship - PROBLEM SOLVED

      Actually my pooint - replace massively powerful spinal cannon with thousands of smaller side-cannon - and since it\'s the side, unless your ships are wider than they are long, it\'d have more room for such. Turrets on wet-navy battleships were partially there so they could use the same guns to...