Recent content by Lecic

    1. Lecic

      How do I reboot my ship?

      Was it really necessary to necro a thread from 9 years ago
    2. Lecic

      how do you get rid of shilds quickly

      You need an equal number of EM effect modules to the primary weapon system. If you go over you won't get any damage from them, and if you go under you'll be getting less of an effect and you'll be less mass efficient, so match the primary. The same goes for the secondary, but you can go under...
    3. Lecic

      how do you get rid of shilds quickly

      Beams don't make for great anti-shield weapons because of their damage falloff with range. I would recommend cannons with EM effect personally. You should ALWAYS go for 100% tertiary effect, because it's basically free mass. Dust, your reactor and weapons are probably too small compared to the...
    4. Lecic

      The T.R.Ue Ship Classification System:

      where does the e come from
    5. Lecic

      still worth it?

      I don't think anyone is still hosting any 0.199 servers. The game barely has living 0.2 servers.
    6. Lecic

      how do you find other galaxy's

      Not sure, just use admin commands and teleport out there and see. Unless you're playing with custom NPCs though it'd just be the same 3 default factions again anyways.
    7. Lecic

      Starmade Art Thread

      Kind of depressing how many dead links there are in this thread
    8. Lecic

      how do you find other galaxy's

      If you go out far enough from the starting galaxy's center you'll find one. They're just in a grid pattern. There's nothing special about them compared to the starting galaxy though.
    9. Lecic

      still worth it?

      Hi C0r3y, I remember you from way back in the day from Home Sector. The game probably needs more players than it needs more servers right now but that might change when the Universe Update pt 1 drops fully. Join the discord if you're not there and check out the announcements, you can download...
    10. Lecic

      Option to Turn Off Pirates

      Literally just uncheck "Enemy spawning" in the advanced game settings.
    11. Lecic

      no longer have the game purchased, somehow

      Are you sure this is the right registry account that you made your purchase on? Do you still have access to the email that would have your purchase confirmation?
    12. Lecic

      A Reflection on Quickfire and Power 2.0

      Ithirahad is one of the people who has access to the source code these days. He could just straight up change how it works, but that's kind of a major change for him to be doing on his own without permission.
    13. Lecic

      A Reflection on Quickfire and Power 2.0

      Lancake outsourced his balancing advice to a small team of PvPers and then pretty much ignored everything we told him that was wrong with the game instead. Myself and maybe 8 or so others from major PvP factions at the time were in a Discord group he made and advised him about bugs, exploits...
    14. Lecic

      Making fighting pirates actually fun?

      Obvious ChatGPT is obvious
    15. Lecic

