Recent content by Keynesian

    1. Keynesian

      Solutons to discourage gigantism?

      That's what she said......:p
    2. Keynesian

      NFD Test Server

    3. Keynesian

      Sexier jump drives - and turning effect computers into drives.

      You have to admit something like that would look smexy
    4. Keynesian

      Warp Drive Optimizations

      First off let me say I LOVE THE NEW WARP DRIVES. But on another note I also hate the new warp drives. The Mass to Warp module ration is WAY WAY WAY to high. You need about 1 warp drive module for every 9 blocks you have to hit that "sweet spot". All I am asking is that you lower that number to...
    5. Keynesian

      Can I have some help here?

      64bit java. Gets to 100% and crashes Windows 8.1
    6. Keynesian

      Can I have some help here?

      I get same thing.
    7. Keynesian

      NFD Test Server

      Accepted and @I_is_Tinsy I am right on it!
    8. Keynesian

      More types of engines and energy generators

      Or as a second thought you could just make another layer with a space between the other layers.
    9. Keynesian

      Missile fires 8 times then reload?

      You know how on the front of the missile block the texture shows about 8 launch tubes? Well I thought about a way to make it so missiles have 8 shots per reload but the reload would be 8 times as long (minus pulse missiles that would be op). This would be especially useful in combat as you could...
    10. Keynesian

      I love the smell of fresh punch-through in the morning

      I once made a ship that could punch through an entire sector of hardened hull. But it was kinda ugly and looked like 5 bricks duct taped together in a cross formation.
    11. Keynesian

      NFD Test Server

      You do not have to be in the DFN or one of our allies. However we will not let in members from enemy factions.
    12. Keynesian

      Ultimate Power Regeneration techniques ^ examples

      He wan't to have a discussion on other peoples power setups now please (and I am sure @MrFuz agrees with me too on this) if you have nothing nice to say about this thread, stay the Fuck away from it.
    13. Keynesian

      Ultimate Power Regeneration techniques ^ examples

      You don't have to be an asshole about it.
    14. Keynesian

      The DFN- A Starmade Faction [RECRUIT ALL THE PEOPLE!]

      We have a test server and you can apply here: Also its DFN* not DFA:)
    15. Keynesian

      Shotgun Weapons (Missile Slave) and critical hits.

      Read the op again: