Recent content by JosiahVanderZon

    1. J

      Hyper Drive

      A hyperdrive system would be really easy to impliment actually, just have it teleport to a certain location, set like a waypoint, and have it play a cool animation while it loads the new location. But they should also add perminent, name able waypoints, and a hyperdrive computer.
    2. J

      Nerf Pirates. Please.

      Having rediscovered StarMade just a few weeks ago, I found myself getting owned as well, I died many times and re-started a lot. I eventually made it to a station with a few mining lasers and got some cash, a few missiles, cannons and thrusters later, I\'m picking up the remains of 7-9 pirates...
    3. J

      Nerf Pirates. Please.

      Having rediscovered StarMade just a few weeks ago, I found myself getting owned as well, I died many times and re-started a lot. I eventually made it to a station with a few mining lasers and got some cash, a few missiles, cannons and thrusters later, I\'m picking up the remains of 7-9 pirates...
    4. J

      New content ideas

      Ships shouldn\'t have unlimited energy, they should have to stop at a space station to refuel. This would vie another purpose to player-made stations and make it so that players have to build stations at regular intervals within their territories.
    5. J

      New content ideas

      Ships shouldn\'t have unlimited energy, they should have to stop at a space station to refuel. This would vie another purpose to player-made stations and make it so that players have to build stations at regular intervals within their territories.
    6. J

      New content ideas

      Food should be able to heal the player after taking damage from lava or pirates etc... And should be made from plants and things from planets. Things like ovens should be used to make the food. Maybe add a hunger bar similar to minecraft to make food more important to include on a ship. Many...
    7. J

      New content ideas

      I think one of the bigger things that need to be added are player level items, like armor and food, this would make interior space necessary and require new blocks like ovens.
    8. J


      They should also add more angled blocks similar to the corner already in the game.
    9. J

      How to use the Astrotechnician?

      I might be having the same problem. After getting in a fight with some pirates and making it out (mostly) unscathed, I grabbed my little repair ship for its first run. I ended up replacing all of the damaged blocks except for my core, which still looks very damaged. When I hit it with the beam...