Recent content by I_is_Tinsy

    1. I_is_Tinsy

      Dread Syndicate

      Oh well that just went right over my head XD My bad :)
    2. I_is_Tinsy

      Dread Syndicate

      But you still have a right to leave them alone. I don't disagree with your conflict with them, just you saying you have "no right to let them live" as if you aren't allowed to just ignore them.
    3. I_is_Tinsy

      Dread Syndicate

      You have every right to ignore them and let them live HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry I mean no flame :(
    4. I_is_Tinsy

      Dread Syndicate

      I sowwwie
    5. I_is_Tinsy

      Dread Syndicate

      Yes, I understand his point, I was just being nitpickie.
    6. I_is_Tinsy

      Dread Syndicate

      But countries don't produce toys... toy companies do, and they aren't associated with the government of whatever country they're based in.
    7. I_is_Tinsy

      Negative Review: GenXNova- My (Unfortunate) Experience

      Well Lecic gives more fucks than that, how many you'd give is irrelevant.
    8. I_is_Tinsy

      A few questions

      Ah :( I've no clue then XD
    9. I_is_Tinsy

      A few questions

      You could put an activator next to the rail section the elevator stops on, I think.
    10. I_is_Tinsy

      A few questions

      I don't think you need an if/then thing, do you? Like, if you wanted, "If the button is pressed, then open the door," you could just link the button to the door.
    11. I_is_Tinsy

      The Vaygr Empire [RECRUITMENT OPEN]

      That's some very nice lighting there, how did you do that? :D
    12. I_is_Tinsy

      NP The Helkan Imperium - Recruitment Open

      ...I don't get it :(
    13. I_is_Tinsy

      Dread Syndicate

      What? No we aren't? Please elaborate XD
    14. I_is_Tinsy

      NP The Helkan Imperium - Recruitment Open

      What's with you and factions at a table? :P
    15. I_is_Tinsy

      NP Cobalt Royalty [EVE themed PVP faction]

      Hahaha, all according to plan... Just kidding, sad to see you go :(