Recent content by HawkAce

    1. H

      (FIX)[Catalog issue] Baught a ship blueprint & won't spawn.(FIX)

      Can\'t really fit \"workaround\" into the title, that and it also \'fixes\' the currupted blueprints, but thanks for messaging Schema about it bud! :D It really is a sneaky horrrible bug. ___
    2. H

      50km Speed LIMIT

      Even with 50km/h in dogfights, it\'s really laggy/jittery due to the constant shifting through sectors, so being able to go faster than that is a major issue at the moment, especially with servers where the admins have increased the top speed to make things smoother when it comes to moving...
    3. H

      Out-of-game Building Tool, Savable Build-Blocks, OutOfCombat-Warp & More;

      @KuramaFox: You\'ve overcomplicated something that could be achieved with a much smaller amount of coding. No offence intended here, but I think for all intents and purposes we just need a mode with which to zip around with outside of combat (anything around 100km/h or more is a considerable...
    4. H

      (FIX)[Catalog issue] Baught a ship blueprint & won't spawn.(FIX)

      Your welcome, here\'s some bacon: ~ ___
    5. H

      Blueprint corruption (and solution, but it still needs to be fixed)

      Here\'s my thread about this issue, with a more in depth explanation/fix: To OP; thanks so much for finding this out and sharing it with us. :) Feel free to copy and paste whatever you like...
    6. H

      (FIX)[Catalog issue] Baught a ship blueprint & won't spawn.(FIX)

      Thanks for the fix buddy! LIFE SAVER! I added the fix to my original post & made it a bit easier to understand. _______________________________________
    7. H

      Out-of-game Building Tool, Savable Build-Blocks, OutOfCombat-Warp & More;

      @Voidrayx: To put it bluntly, yes. But I\'m after something more precise and customisable, instead of \"place lots of spheres/cubes\", and it has to work in 3 dimensions. _______________________________________
    8. H

      Out-of-game Building Tool, Savable Build-Blocks, OutOfCombat-Warp & More;

      @shadowcrusnik: Yeah I\'m not sure round planets and such would work, you just can\'t make the gravity work on a sphere in this, you\'d just fall off of Jamaica. >< I\'ll keep adding my idea\'s, and add other peoples as side notes. _______________________________________
    9. H

      Out-of-game Building Tool, Savable Build-Blocks, OutOfCombat-Warp & More;

      Currently, this game is epic, I just have a few ideas: _______________________________________ ~Out-Of-Game-Builder: I would love to just have a sort of "CAD" type program where I can build a ship, with predefined shapes, and the ability to make new shape-tools of my own (like ship parts...
    10. H

      (FIX)[Catalog issue] Baught a ship blueprint & won't spawn.(FIX)

      Ill try the \"keep saving it untill it makes an uncorrupted one\".
    11. H

      (FIX)[Catalog issue] Baught a ship blueprint & won't spawn.(FIX)

      Yeah I always save my ships at 5 min intervals incase the server crashes, and I AWLAYS save them to \"Local\" so other people can\'t copy it, and also so Pirates can\'t dupe it... I guess that is where the problem lies, and I hope to god that it gets fixed because I spent decades on this ship...
    12. H

      (FIX)[Catalog issue] Baught a ship blueprint & won't spawn.(FIX)

      The fact that it takes your money aswell makes it even worse... ><
    13. H

      (FIX)[Catalog issue] Baught a ship blueprint & won't spawn.(FIX)

      (FIX FOUND, SCROLL DOWN) _______________________________________ (MY OLD POST) Hello, I built a ship, and to test it out I baught it from the catalog on both multiplayer & singleplayer, and it does the same thing; can't see any of its blocks, nor do I collide with them, and I can see the...