Recent content by fstratzero

    1. F

      Plans for an actual economy?

      Just make a resource action house (either as a new block, or apart of the shop menu which would be server wide), that should be easy implemenatation
    2. F

      "You are running low on memory" o_o - 32Gb allocated

      @ECHO OFF SET BINDIR=%~dp0 CD /D \"%BINDIR%\" java.exe -Xmx(total ram for game)G -Xms(starting amount)G -jar starmade.jar -client Anyways he shouldn\'t be able to run out of ram, since the pagefile/swapfiles exist to facilitate more ram usage than is availible in system memory. The other...
    3. F

      Non-interactive mode

      Write a script like this one #!/bin/bash cd \"$(dirname \"$0\")\" java -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=1G -XX:hashCode=5 -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true
    4. F

      StarMade Prebuild 0.09443: Scalability

      Something you probably already know, but...... 200x200x200 area ships, send astriods flying everywhere, which collision spams the server and client leading to lagg.
    5. F

      StarMade Prebuild 0.09443: Scalability

      did you say sheeema?
    6. F

      StarMade dev news

      Would ray tracing and volumetric rendering from a Sparse Voxel Octrees fix collision issues? Other ideas that might be used in your game.
    7. F


      Space Engineers is basically a space ship crash simulator at this current time. Sure it\'s really shiny but that\'s it at this point.
    8. F

      Idiotic updates, and logical fixes to common problems

      Anyways I\'m ok with the nerf, but missiles need buffing bad. If I can take the enemies sheilds down, then the sd missiles need to lock on faster, or lock on while you are firing your amcs, and stay locked on when you switch to missiles and fire them. They also need to have the flight speed...
    9. F

      Server Optimizations.

      -XX:hashCode-XX:hashCode-XX:hashCode-XX:hashCode-XX:hashCode-XX:hashCode-XX:hashCode-XX:hashCodeI found out that starmade spends a good amount of time on hashes. Thus you should check and see if this is 5 by default or simply add this line. It enables an algorithm that scales better with...
    10. F

      Server Optimizations.

      Upgrading java or choosing a different java vitural machine can help with performance Java7- many have reported considerable performance gains over java 6 with java 7 Java8 - I have read the source code, and many optimizations...
    11. F

      New player models coming up. Created-By: 1.6.0_19-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) Should also consider moving to Java 7
    12. F

      New player models coming up. interesting engine, might have something useful.
    13. F

      New player models coming up. Can you buff AMC\'s? or add a new weapon. Some ships are invurnerable.
    14. F

      Official Texture thread,H5QfsMH,TdkYTgn,jsaEkek,5Va111k,tBy47Zv,5ZkBQAT,2EarTjT,FdANS0C,YmLWxdq,u6R6Bkj,MNCzCJz,Hb51Eep,In0NZVg#0 A collection of texturepacks. Enjoy.
    15. F

      Most ships with any effective pattern of guns are now ruined

      Use these Add more powerblocks and tanks \'nuff said.