Recent content by FireOfVoid

    1. FireOfVoid

      SMEdit currently working for anyone? (Aug 2016)

      Thank you so much! It works perfectly now!
    2. FireOfVoid

      SMEdit currently working for anyone? (Aug 2016)

      Can you elaborate a little more please? I don't know what you mean by create a new folder name STARMADE. Like where would I put it and why do I need to do that if I already have one?
    3. FireOfVoid

      Probably wrong thread but still

      Anyone know where and how I can delete all of starmades files so I can redownload it? I currently have a buttload of starmade installs and folders and I want to completely restart. I'm using a windows 10 HP pavilion laptop On top of that, know where I can delete all of Smedits stuff as well?
    4. FireOfVoid

      Programs like Smedit

      No, I was trying to import an obj. into smedit :/ PRobably why it wasn't working. and Binvox doesn't want to work as well
    5. FireOfVoid

      Programs like Smedit

      That is exactly what I am trying to do. Except it doesn't work. And it apparently was updated a tad a couple months ago as well
    6. FireOfVoid

      Programs like Smedit

      Are there any programs that are similar to Smedit? I've tried using Smedit but every time I load a blueprint it redirects me to an "Error" thing.
    7. FireOfVoid

      Need professional help

      How would I do that?
    8. FireOfVoid

      Need professional help

      Okay, so this is gonna be the post where I post most of my questions when I get them(For logic ofc). I'm trying out a new station build with this logic but first before I start building(Yes i'm watching tutorials as well), i'd like to know if it's possible to set it so when the rail rotator is...
    9. FireOfVoid

      How do you build your ship?

      I' m about to go to bed and i'm curious as to how most people start their build off. I've tried many styles such as trying to build the cockpit first or building the outline of the ship but it doesn't necessarily work in my case.My case being a noob that is(Biggest noob 2 years running. Like to...
    10. FireOfVoid

      Ship Ideas

      Are you gonna link me to the download or?
    11. FireOfVoid

      Can some please please make a large replica of this ship!

      Really? No one is gonna be a bro and help out?
    12. FireOfVoid

      How can you rotate your core

      Let's say you accidentally built your ship backwards. How would you move the core to get it facing the proper direction?(You know, the arrow thing)
    13. FireOfVoid

      [Request] Aesthetically pleasing functioning cargo container

      Basically to look a bit like this
    14. FireOfVoid

      Ship Ideas

      Can I get a download to that O_O