Recent content by elwainio

    1. E

      More Sounds

      well the good news from reading the Q&A is that it looks like they're working on something related to this, fingers crossed its added in the next big update!
    2. E

      More Sounds

      Would also love to see Plexdoors making a sound when you open and close them.
    3. E

      Starmade Ship Showcases

      Hi Bench, have read the thread any Youtube page but can't seem to find a closing date for entry? Just trying to get my ship finished as best as possible before I submit so would be great to know how long I have left. Cheers
    4. E

      Better lighting...

      I'd also like the ability to have an on/off/pulse/flicker setting for lights. Could work for red lights like red alert or perhaps make a hallway look broken or creepy!
    5. E

      [Signs] & [SD Plex Monitor] block

      "Keep out Ogre" :p
    6. E

      Nav Block/system and other ideas

      On the 5th point for Plex Doors I'd like to have the ability from the ship UI to select which ones would open automatically (when in a certain proximity) which opened upon clicking and which ones could be locked to specific player names (I.e. Restricted areas). Could work in a similar way to how...
    7. E

      Docking clamp [block]

      Love the idea. Think that this could be good to shift the docking point to different areas of the ship. I'd also like to see an airlock type docking system for bigger ships to dock to stations etc via a bridge / walkway type element. It could be blocks made in a 2x3 shape with the same shape...
    8. E

      Site blueprint categories

      I'd like to see a few subcategories for things like original player creations by class (as per mass classification) and or partially built ships requiring other player assistance to help finish. and then 'non original' ships from TV and Film. And then maybe even additional subsets for Star Trek...
    9. E

      [Signs] & [SD Plex Monitor] block

      I understand what you are saying here and don't get me wrong on Minecraft as it is one of my favourite games. I just don't think a wooden sign fits in with a futuristic space game and that Starmade should be its own thing in its own way. Guess that's why I like the monitor idea and +1 for SD...
    10. E

      [Signs] & [SD Plex Monitor] block

      I think sign's are a little bit 'minecrafty'. I'd instead like to see a block like a compute monitor from the 80's, with old style green lettering of the time. This could then be used to name chests or doors / rooms / level numbers etc.
    11. E

      More Sounds

      Would love to have a few more sounds in the game especially on bigger ships and stations. The core makes a fair bit of noise when close to it but the bigger the ship the less effective and realistic this can become. You'd probably expect all sorts of sounds and hums to come from a space ship and...
    12. E

      station catalogue and download

      You could also add to it for specific structures to be built in and have blueprints, for example a house or a skyscraper etc. that connects to other blocks and then becomes permanently fixed to that planet / space station. This could be a good way for people to quickly build cities or bases on...
    13. E

      Large Planets / Moons

      Love the planets and moons idea and think some of the suggestions would really enhance the game, I had a few more ideas which I thought would come under this category and hopefully add to the debate. Alien Planets As per Itmauves comment above, perhaps certain planets (alien worlds etc.) could...
    14. E

      Inventory overflow

      If it just stayed there whilst I went back to a plex etc I\'d be happier, just loosing it is vey annoying
    15. E

      Pistons? Or something similar...

      Like some of the ideas above, it could be great for say an aircraft carrier type lift to bring AI or Fighters into the open from a storage area to launch them, or if you\'ve landed the door becomes a platform / bridge to depart from.