Recent content by Eldergroan

    1. Eldergroan

      Sitting in Starmade!

      sitting shmitting - i want that Kahn Noonien Singh skin!
    2. Eldergroan

      Bug Graphical Glitch?

      somebody else posted something similar - make sure your graphics drivers are up to date.
    3. Eldergroan

      Weird glitch/bug

      use F2 to free the cursor and click the windows icon instead of pressing the windows button?
    4. Eldergroan

      This is how you start on StarMade like, Captain Nautilus

      this looks like somebody had a bad experience on a server - which is exactly why i would never play this game on a server with other players, at least in its current form. the pirates are annoying, but real people can be intolerable jerks. :(
    5. Eldergroan

      Buff Salvage Beam Range

      does slaving damage beams to salvage beams increase the range? it does so for other systems. i haven't tried it.
    6. Eldergroan

      Bug Can't launch Starmade

      ok i finally decided to try to update my launcher because i was tired of the 'you've got an old launcher' error. i've tried using the lynux version and i've tried removing and re-installing java 64-bit. now the launcher opens, but i get the "can't start the java machine server" error. help...
    7. Eldergroan

      Server Settings

      very odd. not sure what to tell you then. :(
    8. Eldergroan

      Importance of Exploration

      that's funny, because i did actually find a pyramid. the fact that it was cut off didn't phase me, i figured, hey it's an acient ruin. and i made my base there for a while.
    9. Eldergroan

      Importance of Exploration

      zomg i have much yet to learn :eek:
    10. Eldergroan

      Server Settings

      hmmm... i changed the config to 15 from the default of 10 to see if it would work - and it did for me. are you moving the sliders to their maximum position in the gui? the config is the max number, not the one you start with when you push ctrl. you have to adjust the 3 sliders up to their...
    11. Eldergroan

      Importance of Exploration

      "cities on forest planets" and "logbooks" - are these things in the dev build or have they been recently added?
    12. Eldergroan

      Server Settings

      yes, that is the correct file to edit. the value i think you want to change is called "PLAYER_MAX_BUILD_AREA" which is 10 by default.
    13. Eldergroan

      Personal weapon ships

      i was waiting for someone to start doing this - i had visions of race cars and motorcycles flying through space firing weapons. :rolleyes:
    14. Eldergroan

      Bug Slaved Weapons on bought ships bugged

      i've had a similar issue with ship i've saved and then i /load. the weapon system links don't seem to translate, leaving everything disconnected. i agree, very irritating for complex weapon systems or very large ones.
    15. Eldergroan

      Help Wanted

      do you care if the ship design may be somewhat recognizeable from a particular genre? like a sci-fi move or series?