Recent content by Captain_Stripes

    1. Captain_Stripes

      Post your concepts!

      I got all my concepts from an old dead mod for a game. Obviously inspired by Starship Troopers. I wasn't intending to have these posted until all the ships were complete and I could make a shipyard thread. However, the power system change has made completion of these ships impossible until its...
    2. Captain_Stripes

      Why I think the power system update shouldn't upset us so much

      Since apparently new thread rules forbid us to base responses on exact sentences, I guess i'll give a half-assed response to the argument presented. I've already made a post regarding the difficulty of building in the light of impending change. Its a good summary of my initial thoughts on the...
    3. Captain_Stripes

      Stifled building in the shadow of an impending update

      I kinda skimmed thru this thread and just seeing a lot of similar responses dealing with "well its alpha, makes no sense to stop building, ect." I feel like I just want to add my own thoughts on the matter. I understand what most people are saying and to a degree I agree. But this thread...
    4. Captain_Stripes

      New Launcher Doesn't work after Java install?

      Its been at 4096 this whole time. But I increased it to 8192 and game is back to a much smoother state. I honestly keep forgetting about that memory slider, should have started with that. Thanks for the help! Much appreciated.
    5. Captain_Stripes

      New Launcher Doesn't work after Java install?

      ISSUE RESOLVED, SEE EDIT3. Hi I have an interesting and not too serious problem here. To preface this issue I want to give a little history in case it helps. About a month ago a windows update ruined my PC, got stuck in a update/crash loop. I was able to back up quite a bit but still had to do...
    6. Captain_Stripes

      Wasn't there a ship classification system?

      There has been no clear majority agreement on any classification system. And I dont think there ever will be. So may your 200 meter long ships be fighters and your 187 meter long ships be carriers to carry your fighters, cause Starmade.
    7. Captain_Stripes

      Community Content Badge 0.69

      What did you think it was? I just wanted to test some stuff. So here have a flying piece of garbage.
    8. Captain_Stripes

      Wolf pack fleet works

      Hey man you should charge your phone.
    9. Captain_Stripes

      Some cool things i'd like to see in the future of the game

      Oh timtee, you never fail to disappoint me. I'll admit, you're style is improving, slowly, like a sloth. When you make a post like this, im not sure if this counts as suggestions or just blabbing "this is what I want in the game, now give me". But you have to explain what the idea does and how...
    10. Captain_Stripes

      Something that is needed allot

      Im actually pretty glad that my internet went out for a day or two cause all of timtee's replies in this thread would have gotten me fucking banned.
    11. Captain_Stripes

      Something that is needed allot

      Holy shit I thought this thread was dead. Why did someone have to necro this one? Its been proven about 7 times in this thread that you cant kill stupidity on the internet. Let it die cause all the valid arguments have been made and people (one person rather) still doesn't get it.