Recent content by Borr

    1. Borr

      What happened to Starmade?

      Good point, this solve mystery of where that power come from. But still, propulsion would need some fuel to work. Maybe not entirely rely on some sort of consumables, some people may rise argument that being stuck in the middle of nowhere is not fun. They should add some secondary type of...
    2. Borr

      What happened to Starmade?

      I started playing this game again recently (you know, coronapocalypse...). Oh boy, so many changes... Tried to update my stuff. Had to literally gut them hollow from old systems. It was pain in the ass. This game should have some tools for that. Like removing, replacing all within a click of a...
    3. Borr

      Altered reactor config

      Lancake I think you're missing the point. The main reason some people (me included) don't like new power concept, because you're forcing on us certain design pattern for no reason. Let me quote my own youtube comment "They should get rid of distance limitation and add pros and cons to have...
    4. Borr

      Getting a server to build outside of homebase protection

      Brilliant idea and so simple! I would also add more powerful shield system, more efficient power system and maybe some sort of stationary targeting system that will enhance turret aiming and range. All off that super heavy.
    5. Borr

      Planets: Discs or Balls?

      Whats the point of planets other than being laggy?
    6. Borr

      Kill Docked Power Entirely

      You are right, previous system was bad, but this doesn't mean the idea of docked reactor was bad. Lag from logic and beams wouldn't be the case if we had the ability to transfer back and forth between entities, not only in one direction. Killing ability to transfer from docked entities, crippled...
    7. Borr

      Kill Docked Power Entirely

      Whatever works the best. But explosions and big holes is what I prefer the most. I was against "a solution" for "laggy" docked reactors as it is right now. Aux block can't be even triggered by logic or by AI. I love modular designs, they give so many possibilities. Ships like that are easier...
    8. Borr

      Kill Docked Power Entirely

      Why just not make docked entities go boom instantly, destroying (or not?) blocks around the place where they were docked? With proper animation, and switched off collisions, could look definitely better than 1fps, laggy experience.
    9. Borr

      A way to REDUCE the amount of blocks placed

      From the Depths uses beams to reduce block count in designs. They have stats multiplied by amount of blocks they cover but when destroyed they leave bigger holes.
    10. Borr

      StarMade Dev Update: NPC Factions

      Well done Schine! Can't wait to invade some server when new features are ready. The only question I have at the moment: We will be able to have similar simulation features like: mining fleets simulation, factories simulation, when we are offline? I'm asking because Starmade is already time...
    11. Borr

      Brainstorm This Warhead Launcher Weapon

      I think this could work like a shipyard on a ship. Build launcher on your ship (same way as you building an shipyard), load torpedo design, connect cargo space with building materials, make it build(reload), launch and reload(build) every time you hit a button. This could work as every other...
    12. Borr

      Read by Council Land of the Giants (build scale)

      they had to make them tougher for obvious reason. At some point beams could be a nice addition to the game. They could be better, not only fixed sizes like in FTD, but adjustable ones.
    13. Borr

      Read by Council Land of the Giants (build scale)

      1x10 beams would be more useful. Because less blocks= less lag. In From The Depths you can have 4 block long beams, they added them to reduce lag. Why not add beam blocks to StarMade?
    14. Borr

      Read by Council A Bold Idea - Remove almost all advantages of docked entities and replace their functions

      Well, from one side I like ship modularity docked modules can offer, from other, I understand that that kind of modules can cause a lot of lag issues. I think we should leave it be but when their attach point is destroyed they simply explode immediately (and maybe cause some damage to the...
    15. Borr

      Game Balance Suggestions

      I know that already, but thanks. What I meant was kind of opposite. Not connecting one to many but many to one.