Recent content by BJammin

    1. BJammin

      *Checks calendar* "Oh sh!t, I'm late again for my every-two-year-scream-into-the-void on the...

      *Checks calendar* "Oh sh!t, I'm late again for my every-two-year-scream-into-the-void on the starmade dock" Whoopsie
    2. BJammin

      Welp, it's been two years, and it's January (I missed the 8th, dammit). Time for a status...

      Welp, it's been two years, and it's January (I missed the 8th, dammit). Time for a status update? I guess? So uhhh, see y'all again in 2025... Or maybe tomorrow. Live life unpredictably, you know?
    3. BJammin

      Does anyone from five-ish years ago still play this game? Old StarMade feels like mythology at...

      Does anyone from five-ish years ago still play this game? Old StarMade feels like mythology at this point.
    4. BJammin

      Some things never change. They are everlasting, eternal, immortal. The top 5 of the community...

      Some things never change. They are everlasting, eternal, immortal. The top 5 of the community content page is one of them.
    5. BJammin

      The forum on SM Dock is like the terrible ex you hate dealing with yet keep coming back to for...

      The forum on SM Dock is like the terrible ex you hate dealing with yet keep coming back to for inexplicable reasons... Rad
    6. BJammin

      Devblog 11th July 2017 - End Goal Document Part 1

      This^ Just because Schine has internal documentation of what their current plans are for the game, doesn't mean it's inherently static. Think of it this way: How many of you have gone about building something in StarMade, with a good idea of how you want it to turn out in the end? Chances are...
    7. BJammin

      Prerelease Up

      Really love what you guys have done with the new advanced build mode menu and options. it just might get me to start building again once it's released
    8. BJammin

      Head's up on the next dev blog

      End goal, as in truly end goal? Like post-beta StarMade 1.0 end goal? Because if so, that's about the coolest thing I've heard today.
    9. BJammin

      Damage Pulse, the forgotten weapon

      I only wish the Pulse+Beam combo could give an even larger range. Would be really cool to have a sort of 'last-ditch-mega-pulse' weapon for taking care of lots of enemies in a ship's proximity (give it a really slow charge and a massive power draw to balance it). Attempted to make one before...
    10. BJammin

      Devblog 27th June 2017

      I'm just happy enough that the devs are actually keeping us up to date on what they're doing, no matter how fast/slow or good/unsatisfactory that may be to some players. Development of anything, especially something as ambitious as StarMade, can easily take a long time when the end goal is true...
    11. BJammin

      Farewell Auburn! Appreciate the work you did not only in the game's development but in helping...

      Farewell Auburn! Appreciate the work you did not only in the game's development but in helping users with their problems (myself included). Good luck on your new adventures!
    12. BJammin

      How many people are still build vs waiting for new power

      Haven't been building, a.) Because I've been rather busy IRL for the past several months, and b.) I, too, am waiting for the update. I don't know though. If I find the time, I might strip my old stuff down and possibly make some new hull-&-interior-only ships. Or keep waiting
    13. BJammin

      SSV Normandy SR2 (WIP)

      Ah, the Normandy. Classic choice :) Looks good so far! I'm excited to see where you take it.
    14. BJammin

      Hello StarMade my old friend, I've come to lurk on you again...

      Hello StarMade my old friend, I've come to lurk on you again...
    15. BJammin

      Hey Schine! Thanks for...

      Making the game free-to-play while it's in Alpha. Or in other words, making it free-to-play for time and all eternity... xD (Though joking aside, knowing that the dev team is dedicated enough to put such long-term plans into effect and actually commit to them also deserves some serious thanks.)