Recent content by An3dy

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      Atlantis, the lost city of Ancients.

      Could you send me that plan you had for the outline? :) Also it looks really amazing :D
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      Galxor's Texture Pack >Update 20/9/13<

      Once you have the terrain textures i will download it instantly :D Btw could you make the plex doors look like forcefields? That would be super awesome :D
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      Theck's texture pack

      I fuckin love this pack :3
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      WIP clean texture pack

      this is ultra awesome :D
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      Disappearing Blocks after Server dnr

      I was removing energygenerator blocks in advanced mode, when the server, which ive played on, had a short dnr. After the dnr all of my energygenerators disappeared out of my inventory, but the blocks, which ive removed while the dnr, were gone too.
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      |:|:| WINDOOM STARMADE |:|:| Updated 0.093932 ]:[ 24/7, no lag, 64-slot, EU ]:[ Custom economy ]:[ >

      This server is my favourite server :D May the holy Sheep faction rule the galaxy one day :P
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      Best 10x10x10 Energycube layout

      Ik that 5x5x5 cubes but i want a 10x10x10 cube since they output way more power :)
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      Best 10x10x10 Energycube layout

      Whats your best layout for a 10x10x10 energycube? My best outputs 78.8k energy :D So since i know that i pretty much suck at building energysystems please show me your layouts :D
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      Halo Universe

      Ive seen a heavy damaged ship, which looked like the third picture :D
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      [RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

      Name: An3dy Age: unknown, probably 20 Personality: Quiet, says nothing about his past, is always working for the side with the most money Bio: Not much is known about that guy, only that he was born in a small colony somewhere in the outer sectors. There are some rumours that he got trained...
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      SC2 Hyperion Battlecruiser

      I like the turrets alot :D
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      Awesome Suggestion ;)
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      Earth Federation

      Those Ships look a little bit weak to me ;)