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    • hey aceface since the new build just released I am starting construction on a new good sized battleship :D!
      oooh i just made a fighter actually, it has beams and ion missiles!
      that fighter sounds amazing :D!
      hey aceface I have been watching your server series lately because I don't have anything else do to and I just wanted to say when you killed moadib I almost died of laughter due to the edited sound you added just made it 100x funnier XD.
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      Reactions: aceface
      Haha! Lol I just did that because killing a player in starmade is uhh... not epic, so you know, it's required xD
      and one last thing could you please do a review on it as well that would help out a lot for you and me thanks also the ships name is the Retaliator. also the MK version is how many times I saved it during construction increases by one MK everytime I save it and the DEFW is short for my shipyard name. (Dark_J-Elite-Fleet-Works) (DEFW)
      BTW aceface the sniper ships done but im not sure if im going to upload it. the build style is outdated to the vipers build style so im probably not going to upload it but if enough people want it I will :).
      hey aceface im wondering if I should upload a new ship I built I changed my build style again (ships now look better than dalmonts builds :D) and its rather annoying when uploading ships because it takes so many steps! but if you would like to see it I will upload it :D.
      hey aceface so when I construct the sniper ship does a 120+ meter long 20+ meter wide and tall ship sound good? I am trying to avoid big projects at the moment they take to long lol.
      Yeah sounds good, maybe slightly wider though, but do however you want :D
      sniper ship is finished! I just need to get over my laziness and add the two large side turrets and I will then put it up for download :D.
      aceface could you please make a shipyard these word limits really do effect my posts and I would love a page I could easily access your ships because its a rather annoyance to scan threw your community content section to find what I want but its mainly because of the word limiter for profiles that bothers me the most.
      what is a shipyard lol
      a post were you give links to your ships... there is also I dedicated forum section for them.
      also since its a forum post and not a profile post you have infinite words!
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      Reactions: aceface
      Ok I'll see. Thing is I try to stay away from using music in my videos because I don't like getting it stuck in my head :P
      fair enough but you have to have some fitting music :P.
      also when I finally decide to get over the G+ incident you will be the first person I will sub to :D keep up the great work im loving your reviews!
      thanks for the review! also if the 2 concords were piloted by a player it would have destroyed the dart because theres a current bug with ships and turrets if a ship has a living turret and its shields go down it will not fire its AMCs and the concord is incredibly OP for its size but when its shields crack its doomed also its designed to be a huge capital ship strike craft.
      yep there is something wrong with the website I just replaced the old file with the new file and it is still the same version also when uploading the new version how many kilobites is it? because if it is 297.6 kb then its the wrong file it should be over 297.6 kb I hoped this helped.
      nope its still the wrong version... also this is really bugging me because the dart is currently my favorite ship :(
      aceface you didn't update the file of the dart its still the old file with 17m powerstorage... I require a immediate update because Im currently killing a ton of SFW_polaris's and the dart is the only ship powerful enough to take on four at once.
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