Fleet commands

    Mar 22, 2015
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    fleet system/party system:

    This would require an extra widget in the hud just like any other games party system in the corner, this would serve to allow carrier pilots to better asses the status of their fighters, and those who perform healing/cap boosting modules to know who needs it more.

    With this feature you could also throw in simple commands that would use a quick access menu to issue commands to the fleet of Dock on/with/at, attack target, withdraw, follow, jump to x,y,z, jump to me. easier than typing it out in a fight. Thus making fleet/team play more dynamic and workable.

    Now, if that was implemented it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to make ai piloted ships obey these orders, yes it would require alot of reworking of poor little downsydrom bobby, but not impossible. This would allow soloists to enjoy the game just as much as say a group of friends. This could also make it where a single player is on the same footing as say 5 or 6 actual players on a server, this is potentially true, but perhaps make this a config option "Dynamic Bobby: on/off" to keep balanced pvp play on servers.

    Then we have the question of lag.... a fleet of huge - massive ships would cause epic lag even after things are streamlined for processor consumption, but here's how to fix that, system enhancing modules. example: a single block for enhancing shield regen/cap that has an inventory, and based on what item/items you place in it, it would enhance various aspects of the shields exponentially 2x 3x 5x etc. the items placed in this container/reactor/processor would be consumed over time and could be turned on or off through normal ship controls much like firing a cannon or salvager. but having blocks that could boost power, shields, and weapons would cause the game to become more dynamic and even more scalable, scalable in tech power and design rather than sheer block count.

    This ideas may have been offered up before, I looked briefly, if they have I do apologize. I also apologize for grievous spelling and grammatical errors, I have not had my first cup of coffee this morning yet, but had an itch to share my thoughts with the dev team. I LOVE this game, the more sandy the box is, the better imho. I have a few other ideas bouncing around in my head, but none as fleshed out as the ones listed above. If this impute is appreciated, I will try to see what else I can come up with.

    p.s. also if you want me to go into more detail of what I was thinking, I would be more than happy to.

    (when do we get our in game blue print creator, i.e design studio?)
    Jul 29, 2013
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    Pointing out that you know this might have been suggested before doesn't make it okay.

    A very light forum search turns up these in around 12 seconds.

    Also if you access the AI menu when interacting with a ship, you'll see a large menu full of fleet control options, they don't do anything as of yet but this feature is absolutely planned.

    And you're going to have to elaborate on what a design studio is.
    Mar 22, 2015
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    Pointing out that you know this might have been suggested before doesn't make it okay.

    A very light forum search turns up these in around 12 seconds.

    Also if you access the AI menu when interacting with a ship, you'll see a large menu full of fleet control options, they don't do anything as of yet but this feature is absolutely planned.

    And you're going to have to elaborate on what a design studio is.

    I noted a few posts about fleets but none seemed to go into much depth or detail on potential issues with or their potential fixes. These posts are virtually the same idea as mine, but not exactly the same.

    Perhaps there are dummy fleet controls as place holders atm, I have not seen them myself, I do apologize for not knowing that little tidbit of information. But knowing it is planned I was more than happy to put my 2 cents worth in on my thoughts on how fleet controls should function, and could be used, looking forward to that lua option, should be fun.

    A design studio is an architects tool to draw up blue prints using infinite blocks to lay out the design and function of their ship without worry of having enough blocks to actually build the vessel or not. So that when they have finished designing said blueprint they have a complete list of components needed to actually make the ship.

    my "set" of ideas is unique to any post out there, please do not harass for putting them all in one post, there is no need to be rude man.
    Jul 29, 2013
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    You want to use infinite blocks to design a ship, legitimately? The only time this would be needed is on a server with no local BPs. And the whole reason servers that don't allow local BPs do not allow local BPs is because they don't want you to be able to design a capital ship at no actual block cost.

    That request is superfluous and almost completely without value.
    Mar 22, 2015
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    You want to use infinite blocks to design a ship, legitimately? The only time this would be needed is on a server with no local BPs. And the whole reason servers that don't allow local BPs do not allow local BPs is because they don't want you to be able to design a capital ship at no actual block cost.

    That request is superfluous and almost completely without value.
    uhm.... but you still have to have legit block count to build it? alot of people like me will go to build a ship, then run out before it's complete, and then never get around to finishing it, if we where able to predesign, and THEN know what we NEED to build it, it will make the game more fullfilling for EVERYONE, cause last time I checked you have to have everysingle block added to the blueprint before it will spawn..... but with a studio we can more effectivly design better looking, and more capable ships, and not just capitals.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    Design Studio:
    Secondary Single-player universe with an infinite shop

    It takes a little setup to backup an existing non-cheat legit-play universe and create a new design-studio universe, but it's really no different than setting up a design studio mode separate from a legit-play mode. I think you create a universe backup in the second game-starter window.

    You build the blueprint with infinite blocks available in the infinite-block design studio universe and can then export the blueprint for import into any other universe, including multiplayer servers or your own legit-play single-player universe.

    If you lose track of how many blocks of what type it takes, you can first dump your existing inventory into any number of storage blocks, and then salvage the entire ship. Whatever you have in your inventory is what the ship consists of. (Warning: You may want to have a set of empty storage blocks ready, so that you can empty out your salvaged blocks into a storage block at different stages of the salvage operation, to account for extra blocks in the design that your personal inventory can't handle all at once.)

    Once you are done designing, save the blueprint and return to the backup step to backup your Design Studio universe, and restore the regular legit-play universe in its place. Import the blueprint. Switch back and forth between different universes as needed.

    I think this design studio mode will eventually be automated in the form of a "creative mode" that the devs will inevitably implement.

    By using universe backups, you can have any number of personal server types. (E.g. Your universe collection might contain the following different universes: Design Studio, alternate config Design Studio, Design Pirate Testing, alternate config Design Pirate Testing, alternate pirate Design Pirate Testing, alternate pirate and config Design Pirate Testing, and legit-play Single Player, all completely separate and ready to use.)