I can only back Sven, most of the mentioned issues were already reported, but skipped as some parts required more finetuning, however doing that before release would have taken another unknown amount of time.
We have an official Test Server (or 3 to be correct) and they are used and updated frequently, usually they are the first running the new version in the list.
The testers are an official group lead by me. If you feel you have the time and a sense of working in a team feel free to drop me a message, we will get you in the team then. And you can see how it works. As we are open for anyone that wants to help.
And if rules or working together is nothing for you, its still no problem to just report stuff you encounter in the tracker.
- Andy
(And seeing the thousands of hours all voluntary helpers spent the last years, your post about testing reads pretty offending, however I assume you really did not know about us, yet.)