I agree, and would definitely prefer to see a ladder block instead of a stair block, if I could only have one or the other.
I gave SciFi media a thought, and it generally seems like media could go either way. I tend to favor the media that uses ladders, if only because it takes up less horizontal space for the same vertical distance. I use ramp "staircases" in my ships, and believe me, it takes up way too much room for what it does (getting you up and down the ship decks.)
Star Wars 1-6: Staircases
Star Trek 1-12: Ladders
Alien/Aliens: Ladders (Staircases feature heavily in "Aliens", but that mostly takes place in a land-based facility.)
Dr. Who: Staircases (OK, with so, so many seasons, this alone might tip the scale in favor of stairs, but you can't expect the good Dr. to not take the stairs.)
Countless SciFi books: Ladders
Countless SciFi games: I'm gonna call this a draw.