Newly-spawned players should spawn with more items

    Jun 20, 2013
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    Personally, i think new players should be given an actual starter ship. Or maybe able to choose between a set of starter ships with different capabilities
    i am more for this actually - and they should be very effective for their size so that noobs are not killled so easily
    [DOUBLEPOST=1419374251,1419373803][/DOUBLEPOST]at least lets us choose for our servers!!!! :D :D


    Aug 30, 2013
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    You're all a bunch of pathetic carebears playing on the wrong servers. Here's why:

    1. Personal experience. The server I play on recently had a reset. It reset with only one shop, and I believe it was after neutral stations turned to scrap. Default starting credits.

    We literally started out with nothing. The first thing my faction did was travel 100km without FTL to start a mining colony on a Terran planet. We had one ship of like 13k mass that was allowed to be transported over to the server.

    I'm not really sure about the other factions in the server, as there was little commerce in those days, but we really had to struggle. Our main income was pirate stations and mining from our flagship. Now, we have 14 mainly active members and are one of the most powerful factions on the server. The server had more trade and industry than most, and warpgates cover the map. You guys are all playing on EE or whatever and play the game the wrong way. The games difficulty is perfect right now.

    2. The game isn't a ship editor, and many fail to understand that. All forms of playstyles should be promoted and celebrated. By giving players more money, you are sidelining everyone that isn't a shipbuilder. A wealth of materials make it so people don't need to mine, kill people for money, etc.

    3. You can edit the config to your liking instead of changing the default and screwing over everyone who isn't a bohemian shipbuilder.

    4. The game should be difficult. Games that are harder reap a better community and satisfying, meaningful gameplay. You should get a couple nukes up your ass every once in a while. Learn to fight well and use a radar jammer instead of crying about it. I had three people the other day on my ship and I was grappled to my vessel on the outside repairing some damage when we warped into the middle of a pirate fleet. I and and some other guy were killed instantly, and our ship was only saved due to the badassery of the helmsman. It's things like that that make the game worth playing.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    The game isn't a ship editor, and many fail to understand that.
    All forms of playstyles should be promoted and celebrated.
    That made no sense, man. You might as well just say "stop playing the game ways I don't like!".

    No one's saying give new players the materials to build a massive battle cruiser, just a little bit more starting materials and such to get them started. I agree that difficulty is a good thing for the game, but if they can't even get started they might not even play. Keep the ceiling high but raise the floor a couple centimeters, so to say. Hell, getting the players access to ships a little faster will just encourage them to get into combat faster, which is great for the beginner to start fighting more pirates and enjoy the game and for the more advanced players to come in and strong arm them for their resources in combat.
    Jun 15, 2014
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    would easier to make so everyone starts on a planet. Salvages shouldn't work on the starting planet and it should be in protection mode.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1419383709,1419383679][/DOUBLEPOST]There could be a NPC shop on the planet


    Aug 30, 2013
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    That made no sense, man. You might as well just say "stop playing the game ways I don't like!".

    No one's saying give new players the materials to build a massive battle cruiser, just a little bit more starting materials and such to get them started. I agree that difficulty is a good thing for the game, but if they can't even get started they might not even play. Keep the ceiling high but raise the floor a couple centimeters, so to say. Hell, getting the players access to ships a little faster will just encourage them to get into combat faster, which is great for the beginner to start fighting more pirates and enjoy the game and for the more advanced players to come in and strong arm them for their resources in combat.

    How did I imply that people should not build ships? I said the game isn't a ship editor. It isn't. It should be playable by people who don't want to build ships. By increasing the amount of things newbies get, it decreases the need for other playstyles.

    Please make an attempt to understand my posts in the future before replyling. Putting those two quotes together makes no sense. Thank you.

    And you start out with more than enough materials right now. A little bit of struggle and you'll be fine. Please see point number one.

    More materials do not mean more combat. It destroys supply and demand relationships. The causes for combat tend to be a need for resources, it doesn't result out of randomness.
    Jul 20, 2013
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    I said the game isn't a ship editor. It isn't.
    That's just plain wrong because it's just another part of the game. All you're demonstrating is my point before.

    It should be playable by people who don't want to build ships. By increasing the amount of things newbies get, it decreases the need for other playstyles.
    More starting materials would help either kind of player, specifically in filling up blueprints for those who don't want to build, and raw materials for anyone who wants to build creatively.

    Putting those two quotes together makes no sense. Thank you.
    I didn't need to put them together because you did that literally typed that once sentence after the other in your own post.

    More materials do not mean more combat. It destroys supply and demand relationships.
    For the demand to happen, people either a) need projects to work on or a blueprint to fill, or b) a player needs to replenish lost resources. PvP and PvE is the primary "out" for the game. You're overestimating a handful of starting materials' effect on supply and demand. It will have very little effect on the economy, and get people into the position where they will be able to seek more materials quickly. This is good for competition and will increase demand.

    The causes for combat tend to be a need for resources, it doesn't result out of randomness.
    Possibly, but the need for resources is constant for people who like to just build ships or stations. Something you're overlooking just because it doesn't fit your own play style. Stations still need to be built from the ground up in multiplayer, and player should have the option to build their ships in multiplayer servers from scratch if they please.
    Feb 24, 2014
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    I agree with a lot of people in the thread when it comes to implementation. Some people are okay with what we're given now, some think it should be more. Best way to make everyone happy is to make it configurable server side.

    I saw stuff about unclaimable sectors and starting credits, which an admin can already control. The blocks are the missing puzzle piece. If there is a config file for default inventories, it would satisfy all needs for multi-player servers.

    I'm not sure how the server knows to give the blocks it does to new people, but I'd imagine it could be easy to change. Thoughts?
    Dec 24, 2014
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    I also think this should be a server configurable thing, (and it is, I see a starting credits setting in the config file). I've only been playing a week and had no trouble with the starting goods. In fact, I had started a base on a planet, wondered "what is this disintegrator thingy?" built one on top of my base/factory and activated it, blowing up me and most of my stuff. No problem, lesson learned, and I just started mining again.
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    Dec 25, 2014
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    Ahhh Finding out Block were limited and have to be purchased, damn i wish i didnt buy this.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Ahhh Finding out Block were limited and have to be purchased, damn i wish i didnt buy this.
    If you're playing single player, you can just spawn in items with commands if you're playing just to build and not for survival.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    That's just plain wrong because it's just another part of the game. All you're demonstrating is my point before.

    More starting materials would help either kind of player, specifically in filling up blueprints for those who don't want to build, and raw materials for anyone who wants to build creatively.

    I didn't need to put them together because you did that literally typed that once sentence after the other in your own post.

    For the demand to happen, people either a) need projects to work on or a blueprint to fill, or b) a player needs to replenish lost resources. PvP and PvE is the primary "out" for the game. You're overestimating a handful of starting materials' effect on supply and demand. It will have very little effect on the economy, and get people into the position where they will be able to seek more materials quickly. This is good for competition and will increase demand.

    Possibly, but the need for resources is constant for people who like to just build ships or stations. Something you're overlooking just because it doesn't fit your own play style. Stations still need to be built from the ground up in multiplayer, and player should have the option to build their ships in multiplayer servers from scratch if they please.

    You misunderstand the meaning of ship editor. By that, I mean a game that is dedicated to only building ships. It's ridiculous that so much of this argument has resulted from that.

    And for people who want to fill up blueprints right after they spawn - that is the kind of instant action quick fix of combat we need to avoid. The newb can go and make the materials they want, buy it from someone else or is this is singplayer just admin spawn his stuff if he wants it that much. The need for resources is constant for people who want to build ships and stations, yes, but it decreases it if a newbie has the resources to build a larger vessel at the start of the game. It decreases the need for resources throughout the game.

    My playstyle is a merchant. That's what I do on the server I play on. I also like to supply newbies with a little starting materials. So it marginalizes that kind of gameplay. It harms everyone else who does any buying and selling - newbs suddenly don't need to go to a shop or reach out to build a vessel. The only people who benefit are shipbuilders.

    It won't increase demand at all. I've spent my star made career as a capitalist. Many of the people I sell to are people who just started playing, or a start up factions. This easily wipes that customer base away.

    And for combat, people don't need to shoot others for money at all. It gives pirates a little starting materials so they can easily kill a few people, but that is the kind of thing we want to avoid.

    Starting supplies do not need to be increased. It is unnecessary, as it is mainly a comfort item for shipbuilders, it decreases supply and demand, and sidelines all other kinds of gameplay. That's my thesis.
    Dec 20, 2014
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    gotta agree the ppl here, thats a sum of treasure u listed, with all that mining would be in necessary, however the game stage now is to get big shits cause small ships no longer get loved, and they never were, unless they are some scout.... well thats also useless but hey.... shorten the list especially the weapons and hull and put more asteroids that spawn regularly and increase the number of salvage modules and there problem solved oh and increase the strength of salvage beams and the rate from blocks getting salvaged


    Aug 30, 2013
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    gotta agree the ppl here, thats a sum of treasure u listed, with all that mining would be in necessary, however the game stage now is to get big shits cause small ships no longer get loved, and they never were, unless they are some scout.... well thats also useless but hey.... shorten the list especially the weapons and hull and put more asteroids that spawn regularly and increase the number of salvage modules and there problem solved oh and increase the strength of salvage beams and the rate from blocks getting salvaged
    what is wrong with your fingers
    Dec 20, 2014
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    ??? wait what?, nvm im not here to pick a fight tho its a great suggestion but lessen the list pls, thats if scheme is gonna use it
    Dec 24, 2014
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    Actually, another lesson can be learned from Space Engineers. Last year, there was a real problem with griefers destroying space stations. They would simply spawn and crash into the station, die, then repeat. The spawn ships were all large heavy things with lots of armor. There was no startup/effort cost for the griefer, so it was an ideal situation for them. People wrote mods so that server managers could change the starting ship to something lighter. The devs fixed it (though I forget the details). This is just more support for the notion that if the spawn equipment changes, then there should be server-side configuration settings for it so that server managers can easily spoil griefing in whatever form. (I'm still enough of a noob at StarMade that I don't know if crashing into a station has any effect)


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Actually, another lesson can be learned from Space Engineers. Last year, there was a real problem with griefers destroying space stations. They would simply spawn and crash into the station, die, then repeat. The spawn ships were all large heavy things with lots of armor. There was no startup/effort cost for the griefer, so it was an ideal situation for them. People wrote mods so that server managers could change the starting ship to something lighter. The devs fixed it (though I forget the details). This is just more support for the notion that if the spawn equipment changes, then there should be server-side configuration settings for it so that server managers can easily spoil griefing in whatever form. (I'm still enough of a noob at StarMade that I don't know if crashing into a station has any effect)
    I remember those days. Yellow noob tube ships rained from the sky.

    Anyway, while collision damage (usually) isn't active on servers, giving players tons of free stuff at the beginning could still have grief benefits.


    Old Newb
    Jul 9, 2013
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    You're all a bunch of pathetic carebears playing on the wrong servers.
    -Partial Snip-
    If your goal is to convince others you are right starting your post with insults and going "your wrong and here's why" will only succeed in the exact opposite. Especially as such opinions are in reality are more a matter of perspective than the black and white fact we like to paint them as to make a confusing world of muddled grey much simpler to understand.


    In other news it seems that allowing the 'spawn' package a new player is given to be edited might be the best way to go about things. That way those who want their servers to be friendly to newer people can have what they want, and for those who feel the current load out is too generous can also have their "hardcore" experience. Also would allow a custom set up tailored to whatever a specific servers overall 'theme' may be. Crashed survivors, nBGS, Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Homeworld, et et.


    Aug 30, 2013
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    If your goal is to convince others you are right starting your post with insults and going "your wrong and here's why" will only succeed in the exact opposite. Especially as such opinions are in reality are more a matter of perspective than the black and white fact we like to paint them as to make a confusing world of muddled grey much simpler to understand.


    In other news it seems that allowing the 'spawn' package a new player is given to be edited might be the best way to go about things. That way those who want their servers to be friendly to newer people can have what they want, and for those who feel the current load out is too generous can also have their "hardcore" experience. Also would allow a custom set up tailored to whatever a specific servers overall 'theme' may be. Crashed survivors, nBGS, Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Homeworld, et et.
    Ah, calm down. You need a thicker skin and you need to quit being a backseat mod.

    The problem here is that the community doesn't really know what it's arguing about. Is this the vanilla singe player experience, or multiplayer? Everyone's answer to this will be different because they play differently.