pirate stations should not be scrap

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Why not have it work in a similar way as with ships?

    After destroying the faction module, the station should go critical. You then have limited time to salvage what you can before some random explosions are generated. Parts of the station get destroyed and the rest of the blocks become decayed.

    That way you have to have some decent salvage modules at the ready when the faction module comes down. It generates additional tension – you have to think and work fast in order to reap the benefits of your work. Also makes it quite worthwhile to work together.

    The storage containers could still remain but those should really be more balanced in terms of the total value they contain. My last loot contained roughly 500 missile computers among other things - those sure made up for the effort.
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    Jun 20, 2013
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    Why not have it work in a similar way as with ships?

    After destroying the faction module, the station should go critical. You then have limited time to salvage what you can before some random explosions are generated. Parts of the station get destroyed and the rest of the blocks become decayed.

    That way you have to have some decent salvage modules at the ready when the faction module comes down. It generates additional tension – you have to think and work fast in order to reap the benefits of your work. Also makes it quite worthwhile to work together.
    that would be great.
    Nov 21, 2013
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    In this thread (Ship Cores - The final detonation) two ideas could be merged.

    Additional idea:
    Have blocks/ship salvageable BEFORE the countdown completes, after the explosion destroyed blocks are removed but any remaining have a hidden SECONDARY countdown before they vanish completely (as per the usual *poof* method) but are only salvageable as scrap until that final disappearance. This means large (post explosion) ships will have the much requested 'burned out hull in space' a few people asked for (add some sparkly/electric effects to show it as destroyed).

    This should make salvaging a little more hazardous and need to be a bit more rushed. I was thinking this should be added to Pirate/Trade stations specifically so their blocks could be salvaged but the eventual explosion will render the base as scrap (after that you need to use the 'M' and buy the base back from scrap).
    This gives real salvaging of blocks from the recently destroyed base but the countdown to destruction is a time limit for the salvage, after the *BOOM* (which actually is dangerous to nearby ships) the remaining blocks are considered scrap. If you want to 'save' the base you jsut need to use the 'M' to purchase the base before the countdown completes.
    Oct 24, 2014
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    The problem with stations is they don't have a CORE to destroy. You need to find the faction module to neutralize the station and the faction module isn't always located by the radar diamond. That can be tough. Last night I had to almost totally obliterate the station just to find the faction module meanwhile they kept calling for reinforcements.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    The problem with stations is they don't have a CORE to destroy. You need to find the faction module to neutralize the station and the faction module isn't always located by the radar diamond. That can be tough. Last night I had to almost totally obliterate the station just to find the faction module meanwhile they kept calling for reinforcements.
    Take out the turrets, find the faction module while in build mode, target said location, initiate surgical strike. So far I've only managed to take out one of the new stations as I don't have a warship yet in my survival world but I've found the faction module on at least one other.

    Although having the faction module in an easy to find spot should be one of the rules in the next build contest.
    Oct 24, 2014
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    find the faction module while in build mode
    Ahh, I never considered going into build mode. Good idea, even if it feels like cheating. Perhaps a scanning system to find critical blocks would be a good addition in the future.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Ahh, I never considered going into build mode. Good idea, even if it feels like cheating. Perhaps a scanning system to find critical blocks would be a good addition in the future.
    I treat build mode like it is my advanced sensors.
    Nov 21, 2013
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    The problem with stations is they don't have a CORE to destroy. You need to find the faction module to neutralize the station and the faction module isn't always located by the radar diamond. That can be tough. Last night I had to almost totally obliterate the station just to find the faction module meanwhile they kept calling for reinforcements.
    A station faction module 'could' be treated as the core for Pirate or Trading station.. it's destruction triggering the 'salvage' phase before it all turns to scrap (timer like the ships core.. but when salvage is worthwhile, afterwards it's just scrap). Not knowing the faction module location is kinda handy, mean KNOWING a station layout is at least as important as having the fire power to take it out.
    Nov 21, 2013
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    If what you get from salvage can depend on what block it is, then maybe salvaged blocks could give you their components.
    The idea being that the material is salvaged just fine, you just have to melt it down or whatever, then reform it.

    Maybe different stations could give different amounts of scrap and cost different amounts? A smashed-up, decrepit station will give you a little bit of scrap; whereas the mothballed station would give the most it can without unbalancing gameplay, since it's supposed to be just mothballed.

    As for losing material from overheat, eh. We already will lose material from block destruction, which will be the way to take out a ship once the HP system is in(sadly this means no coring a ship and getting the blueprint mostly intact). You could easily take out the faction module if you know where it is…
    But if you don't, it'll be difficult. We need a way to find the faction module of an owned/overheating ship/station(I assume stations will be able to overheat like ships in the future? Stations tend to blow up just like ships.).

    Taking out the hull and not using punch-through/pierce/large missiles means you may lose some combat advantage in exchange for more resources salvaged, which is fine by me. :D
    (Moneybags smiley would be cool.)
    Aug 14, 2013
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    A station faction module 'could' be treated as the core for Pirate or Trading station.. it's destruction triggering the 'salvage' phase before it all turns to scrap (timer like the ships core.. but when salvage is worthwhile, afterwards it's just scrap). Not knowing the faction module location is kinda handy, mean KNOWING a station layout is at least as important as having the fire power to take it out.
    Honestly the target diamond of a station should be the faction block and not the first block placed, a lot of the time the diamond ends up being empty space which makes it harder to hit with missiles.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    It would be way too easy to get materials if they were not scrap.
    Pirate stations have horrible turrets too.
    not that horrible, however i do think that the turrets should be buffed; http://starmadedock.net/threads/pirate-stations-need-better-turrets.4739/#post-73336

    and it is not just turrets you face, but also pirate waves. each time you shoot a pirate station they send a wave of pirates (with a approx 1 minute cooldown, which also makes it a lot harder)

    and also having it being scrap makes no sense along with giving absolutely no reason to fight this base, since if you so much wanted scrap why not mine it at a peaceful neutral station????
    Dec 3, 2014
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    After reading here I would like to say, I can see the logic behind stations self destructing. However, I would be suggest that perhaps vaults with something actually worth looting where put in the new stations like the old ones have. The new stations seem pretty pointless, their great to look at once but after finding nothing left in the new stations but a hulking scrap pile, I just blow them to bits from a distance when i find them and move on without looking back. Unless their was a vault in one that i missed they utterly useless, not one can stand up to my ship for more than three minutes. The old stations at least have some value.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1419079836,1419076564][/DOUBLEPOST]one other thing, why do their shields still work if they where turned into scrap. technically you cant even scrap them unless you hunt down and blast away every shield unit, except by manually going through it... for scrap. At the least shutdown the decayed shields so I can use my scrapper ship on it.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1419080122][/DOUBLEPOST]forget that last part, my mistake I was using the wrong beam on it.
    Dec 3, 2014
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    oh and just to be clear the shields should still be ether salvageable, or quit working when they are decayed. You cant have trash that works, if it works then its not trash.

    I suggest at the least a percentage should still be salvageable maybe like the lucky mining giving you a working piece instead of scrap.

    I did find the huge rooms full of storage, and the cargo holds with cargo boxes, but every one I looked in was empty. If all the cargo and loot is also being self destructed then whats the point of even having it. The itself station is rarely in good enough shape to even consider paying to restore it just to make a base out of it.

    I would suggest making the repair cost more reasonable. Say half price since everything works, its just decayed.
    Dec 20, 2014
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    im new here and probably im wrong but once i took over a pirate station, and it was decayed, but it prompted me to REPAIR it with M, it costed maybe 10 mil and made the blocks useful again, after collecting and selling alot of the loot i had my 10 mil in return and some standard hull for myself. so... why are all of you fighting? is this not how it works? was it jsut because i was in SP? someone explain it please because to me it was balanced: my ship got damaged and the net income after all is not THAT big.
    Jan 17, 2014
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    I think an active Pirate station with heavy shielding and calling in waves of fighters should NOT be scrap. OR should have useful resources drop as loot. After all, if it can effectively fight and defend then it isn't composed of garbage. If it were composed of garbage then it wouldn't be able to put up any real fight.
    Aug 8, 2013
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    im new here and probably im wrong but once i took over a pirate station, and it was decayed, but it prompted me to REPAIR it with M, it costed maybe 10 mil and made the blocks useful again, after collecting and selling alot of the loot i had my 10 mil in return and some standard hull for myself. so... why are all of you fighting? is this not how it works? was it jsut because i was in SP? someone explain it please because to me it was balanced: my ship got damaged and the net income after all is not THAT big.
    Mate, if your station only cost you 10 mil, then you really messed that thing up....

    Some of us dont want to spend the 90-200mil credits after we spend ages trying to kill a station with wave after wave of ruthless pirates trying to kill you.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Mate, if your station only cost you 10 mil, then you really messed that thing up....

    Some of us dont want to spend the 90-200mil credits after we spend ages trying to kill a station with wave after wave of ruthless pirates trying to kill you.
    We really need another way to make money while playing survival, so paying to repair and salvage might be an option. Ships should drop credits and/or loot... frankly the loot cubes ships drop now are a little unbalanced...