Simple way to stop massive ships doing pinwheel turns and accelerating as fast as fighters. I wouldn't even call this a suggestion, it's more just applying science.
Big ships should accelerate (same max speed obviously) and turn slower then their smaller counterparts.
Why? Well I'll give you an example. Lets say you have a glass on a table and you push it with 0.000001g of force. (Using g as in gravity.) It might move a little depending on the size. Now lets say you move the same cup with 10000g of force. That cup has now exploded and is showering glass upon you.
It comes down to the simple fact of, the bigger your ship, the slower it can accelerate (regardless of engine size) before the engines literally tear themselves out of the ship. Turning also applies, turning too fast in a real environment would cause the ship to snap in two.
Big ships should accelerate (same max speed obviously) and turn slower then their smaller counterparts.
Why? Well I'll give you an example. Lets say you have a glass on a table and you push it with 0.000001g of force. (Using g as in gravity.) It might move a little depending on the size. Now lets say you move the same cup with 10000g of force. That cup has now exploded and is showering glass upon you.
It comes down to the simple fact of, the bigger your ship, the slower it can accelerate (regardless of engine size) before the engines literally tear themselves out of the ship. Turning also applies, turning too fast in a real environment would cause the ship to snap in two.